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| Wed Apr 6, 2016 7:52pm EDTRelated: HEALTH, BRAZILBrain scans of microcephalic babies suggest Zika disrupts developmentCHICAGO | BY JULIE STEENHUYSEN Therapist Rozely Fontoura holds Juan Pedro, who has microcephaly, in Recife, Brazil March 26, 2016.REUTERS/PAULO WHITAKER Brain scans of 23 Brazilian infants with the birth defect microcephaly showed widespread and severe abnormalities suggesting that Zika may invade fetal nerve cells and disrupt brain development. The findings, published on Wednesday in a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine, are based on a large trove of computed tomography, or CT images, done in infants whose mothers are believed to have had Zika infections during pregnancy. The study included researchers from Brazil's Northeastern state of Pernambuco, such as Dr. Ana van der Linden of the Instituto de Medicina Integral, who were among the first to sound the alarm about increasing cases of microcephaly in Brazil thought to be linked with Zika infections. Microcephaly is a typically rare birth defect marked by unusually small head size, signaling a problem with brain development. Brazil is investigating thousands of cases of microcephaly and has confirmed more than 940 cases to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. Scientists in the study ran several tests on the mothers to try to rule out other possible causes of microcephaly, including toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, parovirus, HIV and rubella. All were all negative. All of the mothers had symptoms during their pregnancies - such as fever and rash - that were consistent with Zika infections. Testing on spinal fluid from seven of the infants was positive for Zika antibodies. The researchers did CT scans when the babies were between three days and five months old. All showed signs of brain calcification, which is suggestive of brain inflammation. Many of the babies had other abnormalities, including brain swelling, disruptions in brain folds, underdeveloped brain structures and abnormalities in myelin, which forms protective sheaths on nerve fibers. Researchers said the findings were consistent with a study published last month testing lab dishes full of nerve stem cells similar to those in the brains of human fetuses. They showed that the Zika virus was able to easily infect these cells, stunting their growth. Researchers said evidence from the brain scans suggests the abnormalities occurred from a disruption of brain development, rather than a destruction of brain cells. According to the World Health Organization, there is a strong scientific consensus that Zika can cause microcephaly, although conclusive proof may take months or years. (Reporting by Julie Steenhuysen; Editing by Leslie Adler) http://wordlink.com/l/3CMwb'
Tráfico Panamá @RTtraficoPTY 18h18 hours agoRT TReporta: Ministro Javier Terrientes confirma 4 casos de microcefalia producto del Zika.
Four cases of microcephaly Country | 04/07/16 00:00 Homes and children at risk.Dominguez yanelis yanelis.dominguez@epasa.com @YanelisDD Two dead babies related to zika and two others with the disease microcephaly is the balance that has left so far the virus, which turned deadly in the country. Health Minister, Francisco J. Terrientes said that unfortunately the situation was coming and there is no doubt that this will have a major impact on procreation and state of life of future generations. For the moment he has to continue giving the fight to eliminate mosquito breeding sites. http://www.diaadia.com.pa/el-país/cuatro-casos-de-microcefalia-290794
5 References 1 Zika virus spreads to new areas — region of the Americas, May 2015–January 2016.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:55-58 CrossRef | Web of Science | Medline 2 Mlakar J, Korva M, Tul N, et al. Zika virus associated with microcephaly. N Engl J Med 2016;374:951-958 Free Full Text | Web of Science | Medline 3 Possible association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly — Brazil, 2015.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:59-62 CrossRef | Web of Science | Medline 4 Oliveira Melo AS, Malinger G, Ximenes R, Szejnfeld PO, Alves Sampaio S, Bispo de Filippis AM. Zika virus intrauterine infection causes fetal brain abnormality and microcephaly: tip of the iceberg? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016;47:6-7 CrossRef | Web of Science | Medline 5 Tang H, Hammack C, Ogden SC, et al. Zika virus infects human cortical neural progenitors and attenuates their growth. Cell Stem Cell 2016 March 4 (Epub ahead of print).
To the Editor:Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that is transmitted primarily by Aedes aegyptimosquitoes.1 Starting in May 2015, an outbreak of ZIKV infection has been reported in Brazil in association with an increasing number of neonates with congenital microcephaly in ZIKV-affected regions.1 In these areas, the prevalence of congenital microcephaly increased by a factor of 20 over the prevalence before the outbreak.1 ZIKV RNA has been identified in the brain of a fetus with congenital microcephaly.2 In addition, ZIKV RNA was identified in the amniotic fluid of two women whose fetuses had congenital microcephaly detected on prenatal ultrasonography.1 These events and observations prompted concern about the possible association between congenital microcephaly and the recent outbreak of ZIKV infection in Brazil.3 Only limited imaging data about the brain anomalies that may be associated with intrauterine ZIKV infection are available. We report findings obtained by means of head computed tomography (CT) in 23 infants (13 female) with congenital microcephaly in which the clinical and epidemiologic data are compatible with congenital ZIKV infection in the Pernambuco state of Brazil. Head CTs were obtained for clinical reasons between September and December 2015. Samples of cerebrospinal fluid were available for serologic testing in 7 of the 23 infants, and results on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for ZIKV IgM antibody were positive in all 7 samples. Findings on serologic analysis regarding TORCH infection (toxoplasmosis, other [syphilis, varicella, parvovirus, and human immunodeficiency virus], rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex) were negative in all 23 infants. Head CT images were obtained at a mean age of 36 days after birth (range, 3 days to 5 months). Intracranial calcifications were seen in all the infants and mainly involved the frontal lobe (in 69 to 78% of the infants) and the parietal lobe (in 83 to 87%) (Figure 1FIGURE 1Computed Tomography in Eight Infants with Congenital Microcephaly.). The calcifications were located mainly at the corticomedullary junction (in 53 to 86%). The configuration of the calcifications was mostly punctate (in 72 to 100%), with a predominately bandlike distribution (in 56 to 75%). The calcifications were seen in the basal ganglia (in 57 to 65%) and in the thalamus (in 39 to 43%). Ventriculomegaly was found in all the infants and was rated as severe in the majority (53%) and involving only the lateral ventricles in 43%. All the infants had global hypogyration of the cerebral cortex that was severe (only the Sylvian fissure was obviously present) in 78% of the infants. Cerebellar hypoplasia was present in 17 of the infants (74%) and involved only one cerebellar hemisphere in 3 infants. In 2 infants, the brain stem was globally hypoplastic. In all the infants, there was abnormal hypodensity of the white matter, and in 87% of the patients it diffusely involved all the cerebral lobes. In 1 infant, chronic encephalomalacic changes from ischemic stroke in the vascular territory of the left middle cerebral artery were seen. Intrauterine ZIKV infection appears to be associated with severe brain anomalies, including calcifications, cortical hypogyration, ventriculomegaly, and white-matter abnormalities, although we cannot determine with certainty when ZIKV infection may have occurred during fetal development in these 23 infants. Our findings are nonspecific and may be seen in other congenital viral infections. The global presence of cortical hypogyration and white-matter hypomyelination or dysmyelination in all the infants and cerebellar hypoplasia in the majority of them suggest that ZIKV is associated with a disruption in brain development rather than destruction of brain. The neuronal and glial proliferation as well as neuronal migration appear to be affected. The mothers of the microcephalic infants in our study population had symptoms (e.g., low-grade fever and cutaneous rash) that were compatible with ZIKV infection during the first or second trimester of pregnancy, similar to the findings in other studies.4 Tang et al. found that ZIKV directly infects human cortical neural progenitor cells with high efficiency, resulting in stunted growth of this cell population and transcriptional dysregulation.5 This observation supports the type of disruptive, anomalous brain development that we found in these infants.
Adriano N. Hazin, M.D. Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira, Recife, Brazil Andrea Poretti, M.D. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD aporett1@jhmi.edu Danielle Di Cavalcanti Souza Cruz, M.D. Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira, Recife, Brazil Marli Tenorio, Ph.D. Research Center Aggeu Magalhães, Recife, Brazil Ana van der Linden, M.D. Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira, Recife, Brazil Lindomar Jose Pena, M.D. Carlos Brito, M.D., Ph.D. Laura H. Vega Gil, Ph.D. Research Center Aggeu Magalhães, Recife, Brazil Demócrito de Barros Miranda-Filho, Ph.D. Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital, Recife, Brazil Ernesto Torres de Azevedo Marques, M.D., Ph.D. Celina M. Turchi Martelli, M.D., Ph.D. Research Center Aggeu Magalhães, Recife, Brazil João G. Bezerra Alves, M.D., Ph.D. Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira, Recife, Brazil Thierry A. Huisman, M.D. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD for the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this letter at NEJM.org. This letter was published on April 6, 2016, at NEJM.org. Source InformationAdditional members of the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group are listed in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this letter at NEJM.org.
CORRESPONDENCE Computed Tomographic Findings in Microcephaly Associated with Zika VirusApril 6, 2016DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1603617 http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc1603617?query=featured_home
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU CDCStatesStatesStatesStatesStatesCDCStatesStatesStatesStatesStates 23-Mar23-Mar24-Mar25-Mar28-Mar29-Mar30-Mar30-Mar31-Mar1-Apr5-Apr6-AprAL233333233333AR111111111111AZ000011111111CA171717222222172222303030CO222222222222CT111111111111DE333333333333DC333333333333FL707273757575747676798082GA777999999111111HI577777577777IL999999999999IN444444555555IA444444444444KS111111111111KY222222333333LA222222222224MD555555666666MA333333777777ME011111111222MI233333233333MN999999121212121212MO111111122233MS001222222223MT111111111111NC777777788888NE222222222222NH222222222222NJ222222555555NM011111011111NV001122222222NY435353535353466060606066OH888899999999OK333333333333OR6101010101061010101010PA88881112111212121212TN111111111111TX232828282828272828282828UT011111222222VA777777889999WA233333233333WV555555555555 273302305315321322312347348362364375
Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU
Third Zika Case Reported in Mississippi Traveler to HaitiApril 6, 2016 JACKSON, Miss. – Today the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) reports its third case of Zika virus. The case was in an Oktibbeha County resident who recently traveled to Haiti. Two cases have previously been reported in one Madison County and one Noxubee County resident who had both traveled to Haiti. Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that may cause serious birth defects if contracted during pregnancy. Zika virus infection can cause a mild illness with symptoms (fever, joint pain, conjunctivitis or rash) lasting for several days to a week, but 80 percent have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Death is very rare. Zika has been seen in parts of Africa, Southeast Asia, and some Pacific islands for years, but has recently been reported in approximately 30 countries, mostly in the Caribbean, Central, and South America. The breed of mosquito that is spreading Zika – Aedes aegypti – has not been detected in Mississippi since the mid-1980s. The MSDH is currently conducting surveillance on all mosquito populations in the state. Pregnant women or women who may get pregnant in the near future should not travel to countries with Zika transmission. Pregnant women should avoid sexual contact – or only have protected sex using a condom – with any male who has recently returned from a country with Zika virus. These precautions should continue for the duration of the pregnancy. “Pregnant women should not be traveling to these countries,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Thomas Dobbs. “At this time, the mosquito spreading Zika in Mexico, South America and the Caribbean is not known to be present in Mississippi. All of the cases reported in the United States so far are related to international travel.” “At least 42 other U.S. states and territories have already reported travel-associated cases,” Dobbs said. “With late spring and summer approaching, we know it is a popular time for mission trips and vacations to these areas. Please be especially mindful of protecting yourself from mosquitoes while you’re abroad. Simple steps can make a big difference.” The MSDH advises that precautions should be taken by all travelers to countries with Zika outbreaks. Precautions for travelers include basic protective measures against mosquito-borne illnesses such as using a recommended mosquito repellent that contains DEET while you are outdoors, avoiding areas where mosquitoes are prevalent, and wearing loose, light-colored clothing to cover the arms and legs when outdoors during the day or night. Travelers recently returning from countries with ongoing Zika transmission should take special precautions to avoid mosquito bites in Mississippi to avoid transmitting the virus to local mosquitoes. Precautions should continue for three weeks. There are no available treatments or vaccines for Zika virus. Cleaning up standing water around the home is an advisable activity to prevent multiple mosquito borne viruses, but returning travelers should not perform this activity in order to avoid local mosquito exposure. The MSDH Public Health Laboratory now has the ability to test for Zika in-house to allow for rapid turnaround and high volume testing should the need arise. Follow MSDH by e-mail and social media at HealthyMS.com/connect.
Today the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) reports its third case of Zika virus. The case was in an Oktibbeha County resident who recently traveled to Haiti. http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/23,17501,341.html
Human Cases of Mosquito-Borne IllnessesWNV Testing WNVChikungunyaZikaOther1DeathsPositive Mosquito Samples2Positive Blood Donors3Total:0030000Adams00000 0Alcorn00000 0Amite00000 0Attala00000 0Benton00000 0Bolivar00000 0Calhoun00000 0Carroll00000 0Chickasaw00000 0Choctaw00000 0Claiborne00000 0Clarke00000 0Clay00000 0Coahoma00000 0Copiah00000 0Covington00000 0DeSoto00000 0Forrest0000000Franklin00000 0George00000 0Greene00000 0Grenada00000 0Hancock00000 0Harrison00000 0Hinds0000000Holmes00000 0Humphreys00000 0Issaquena00000 0Itawamba00000 0Jackson00000 0Jasper00000 0Jefferson00000 0Jefferson Davis00000 0Jones00000 0Kemper00000 0Lafayette00000 0Lamar00000 0Lauderdale00000 0Lawrence00000 0Leake00000 0Lee00000 0Leflore00000 0Lincoln00000 0Lowndes00000 0Madison00100 0Marion00000 0Marshall00000 0Monroe00000 0Montgomery00000 0Neshoba00000 0Newton00000 0Noxubee00100 0Oktibbeha00100 0Panola00000 0Pearl River00000 0Perry00000 0Pike00000 0Pontotoc00000 0Prentiss00000 0Quitman00000 0Rankin00000 0Scott00000 0Sharkey00000 0Simpson00000 0Smith00000 0Stone00000 0Sunflower00000 0Tallahatchie00000 0Tate00000 0Tippah00000 0Tishomingo00000 0Tunica00000 0Union00000 0Walthall00000 0Warren00000 0Washington00000 0Wayne00000 0Webster00000 0Wilkinson00000 0Winston00000 0Yalobusha00000 0Yazoo0000 0Unspecified County00000 0
At A Glance - Zika in the U.S. (as of Apr 6, 2016) North CarolinaTravel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported: 8Locally acquired vectorborne cases reported: 0 U.S. StatesTravel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported: 312Locally acquired vectorborne cases reported: 0 U.S. TerritoriesTravel-associated cases reported: 3Locally acquired vectorborne cases reported: 349
Latest Facts and Advisories as of 4/6/2016 [ Español (PDF)]Reported cases of Zika in New York City: 30 Five of the thirty cases were pregnant at the time of diagnosis;All cases contracted Zika while visiting other countries; andAll patients have recovered.
Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU
NEX NOTICIAS @nexnoticias 2h2 hours agoPanamaView translationTwo cases of microcephaly in San Miguelito. 1 of the mothers had ZIKA.
Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU
Two New Zika Cases ConfirmedFour Louisiana residents have had the infection, all have recoveredWednesday, April 6, 2016 | Contact: Media & Communications: Phone: 225.342.1532, E-mail: dhhinfo@la.govBaton Rouge, La.—The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has been notified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that two Louisiana residents who recently traveled to the Caribbean and South America were found to have had the Zika virus. Both individuals no longer have symptoms, and the Zika virus was confirmed after the individuals had recovered and no longer had the virus in their bloodstream. According to the CDC, there have been no identified cases of local, mosquito-borne transmission of the Zika virus in the continental United States. DHH continues to work closely with the CDC, health care professionals and mosquito abatement programs throughout the state to prevent the spread of Zika virus. Health officials say Zika virus is primarily transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on a person already infected with the virus and then spread the virus to other people through bites. This transmission from human to mosquito to human can only occur during the period that the viral infection is in the first person's blood, which can last from a few days to about a week from their own initial infection. Both of these most recent cases in Louisiana are outside of this one-week window. Avoiding Infection by Zika Virus Zika virus is of greatest threat to pregnant women, as their child may be at risk for certain birth defects as a result of infection. Pregnant women in particular should therefore avoid travel to areas of active transmission. All travelers to areas where Zika virus is active should be aware and take steps to protect themselves from mosquito bites (wear long sleeves and pants, use EPA-approved insect repellant, etc.). The same precautions apply at home, and people should also make sure their house is mosquito-proof by ensuring their windows and doors have intact screens and that there is no standing water around their home, especially in small containers. The CDC is also recommending that residents should check with their neighbors about standing water in their yards and neighborhoods. For more information about preventing Zika virus, see this site: http://www.cdc.gov/zika/prevention/. Zika-carrying Mosquito Activity Maps As part of its ongoing work to provide timely information to the public regarding the Zika virus, the CDC has updated and released new maps of the United States that show the approximate and potential locations of the two species of mosquitoes that are associated with Zika virus transmission. The updated maps reflect the latest data that have been collected by CDC and its state and local partners and show where these mosquitoes are now or have been previously found within the continental United States. These maps do not show the numbers or density of mosquitoes within each area, and they don't indicate the risk of potential disease spread or risk of infection. However, the updated information can help the American people and health care providers assess potential health risks and take appropriate precautions. The maps and other resources are available on the CDC website at the locations listed below. Zika Vector Surveillance and Control main page: http://www.cdc.gov/zika/vector/index.htmlEstimated Range of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the United States: http://www.cdc.gov/zika/vector/range.html http://www.cdc.gov/zika/pdfs/zika-mosquito-maps.pdfSurveillance and Control of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the United States:http://www.cdc.gov/chikungunya/resources/vector-control.html The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals strives to protect and promote health statewide and to ensure access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all state residents.To learn more about DHH, visit www.dhh.la.gov. For up-to-date health information, news and emergency updates, follow DHH's Twitter account and Facebook.
Two New Zika Cases ConfirmedFour Louisiana residents have had the infection, all have recoveredWednesday, April 6, 2016 | Contact: Media & Communications: Phone: 225.342.1532, E-mail: dhhinfo@la.govBaton Rouge, La.—The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has been notified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that two Louisiana residents who recently traveled to the Caribbean and South America were found to have had the Zika virus. Both individuals no longer have symptoms, and the Zika virus was confirmed after the individuals had recovered and no longer had the virus in their bloodstream. http://dhh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/newsroom/detail/3776
MICROCEPHALY: study shows that Q1 may be at higher risk for pregnant women Data are from research conducted by the Ministry of Health and the US CDC in Paraiba. The new release are 4,046 cases microcephaly research, 1,046 confirmed and 1,814 discarded The case-control study in Paraíba shows preliminarily that mothers who had the Zika virus in the first trimester of pregnancy were more likely to have children with microcephaly. The Ministry of Health, in partnership with the Government of Paraiba and Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC) of the United States, continues with the analysis of blood samples collected from the mothers and babies paraibanos. Only after this phase, the final results will be announced. The initial result of the study, presented in João Pessoa (PB), also found no association of microcephaly with the exhibition of products such as insecticides, for example. "It's part of this study to investigate people who were not affected by microcephaly. Only after processing the collected blood samples, comparing cases and controls, can we estimate more clearly the risk of being affected by the disease and Zika's relationship with microcephaly, "said the aide Surveillance Secretariat of Health the Ministry of Health, Eduardo Hage, highlighting the commitment of the teams in the field phase of the research. "The study gave an agile, ethical and effective manner. The teams have taken important steps in the search for answers to the problem that concerns the world, "the Secretary of Health Surveillance, Ministry of Health, Antonio Nardi. The research, which began on 22 February, featured the work of eight teams - composed by the institutions involved - who investigated the proportion of infants born with microcephaly associated with Zika, and the risk of virus infection in 56 municipalities state. Overall, respondents were 165 cases of mothers who had babies with microcephaly and 446 control (mothers and babies in the same area without microcephaly). Among the babies, 52% are female and 48% male, in the age group 0-7 months. NEW RELEASE - In Brazil, 4,046 suspected cases of microcephaly are under investigation, according to a new report released on Tuesday (5) by the Ministry of Health since the beginning of the investigation, in October 2015, by 2. April - were 6,906 notifications in 1,307 municipalities of all units of the federation. Cases already completed, 1,814 have been discarded and 1,046 were confirmed to microcephaly and other nervous system disorders, suggestive of congenital infection. Of these, 170 have had laboratory confirmation to the Zika virus. In these cases, it performed specific laboratory test for the Zika virus. However, the Ministry of Health points out that this figure does not represent adequately the total number of cases related to the virus. That is, the folder considers that there was infection Zika most of the mothers who had babies with a final diagnosis of microcephaly. Until April 2, there were 227 deaths (fetal or neonatal) microcephaly suspects and / or alteration of the central nervous system after birth or during pregnancy (miscarriage or stillbirth). Of these, 51 were confirmed to microcephaly and / or alteration of the central nervous system. Other 148 are still under investigation and 28 were discarded. It should be noted that the Ministry of Health is investigating all cases of microcephaly and other disorders of the central nervous system, informed by the states, and the possible relationship with the Zika virus and other congenital infections. Microcephaly may be caused by, various infectious agents beyond Zika as Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis, Other Infectious Agents, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Herpes Viral. The Ministry of Health advises pregnant women to adopt measures to reduce the presence of Aedes aegypti, with the elimination of breeding sites, and protect themselves from mosquito exposure, keeping doors and closed or screened windows, wear pants and long-sleeved shirt and use repellents allowed for pregnant women. RESEARCH - Another study by a research group on the Zika epidemic (MERG) pointed out that 100 mothers of children with microcephaly interviews in the state of Pernambuco, 59 noted the presence of rash (rash) during pregnancy, common symptom in people infected by Zika virus. The research was published in a journal of the Center for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States. This group, specialist Oswaldo Cruz Pernambuco Foundation - Aggeu Magalhães Research Center (Fiocruz / CPqAM), the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO), the Ministry of Health, the Institute of Medicine integral professor Fernando Figueira (IMIP), the Federal University of Pernambuco Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, the Secretary of State of Pernambuco Health, the Federal Border South University, the University of Pernambuco, the Evaluation Institute of Technology Health and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Distribution of reported cases of microcephaly by UF until April 2, 2016 Regions and Federative UnitsMicrocephaly cases and / or malformations suggestive of congenital infectionTotal accumulated 1of reported cases from 2015 to 2016researchconfirmed 2.3discarded 4Brazil4,0461,0461,8146906Alagoas7252131255Bahia663194134991Ceará24776114437Maranhão1356634235Paraíba386103364853Pernambuco1,0533034901,846Piauí317049150large northern river2908335408Sergipe1573117205Northeast3,0349781,3685,380Holy Spirit91418113Minas Gerais28two4676Rio de Janeiro2972162380Sao Paulo162 * 5094256Southeast region57827220825Acre301two33Amapátwo305Amazon111113For231024Rondônia53412Roraima * 6160016Tocantins116017133North region203924236Federal district143237Goiás82930121Mato Grosso1131471198Mato Grosso do Sul5two1118Midwest region20129144374Paraná512531Santa Catarina0033Rio Grande do Sul25two3057South region3035891Source: Health Departments of the States and the Federal District (updated data until 02/27/2016). 1 Cumulative number of reported cases that met the definition of previous operating case (33 cm), and the definitions adopted in Surveillance Protocol (from 12/09/2015) that defined the Head Circumference 32 cm for newborns 37 or more weeks of gestation and other protocol definitions.2 present typical changes: indicative of congenital infection, such as intracranial calcifications, dilation of cerebral ventricles or changes in posterior fossa and other clinical signs observed by any imaging method or identification of Zika virus in laboratory tests.3 were confirmed 82 cases by specific laboratory criteria for Zika (PCR and serology technique) virus.4 Discarded have normal exams by presenting microcephaly and / or congenital malformations by non-infectious causes or does not meet the case definitions.* 5 As stated by the Epidemiological Surveillance Center "Prof. Alexandre Vranjac ", the State Secretary of Health of São Paulo, 162 cases are under investigation for congenital infection. Of these, 39 are possibly associated with infection by Zika virus, but have not yet been finalized investigations.* 6 Roraima data related to SE 12, until March 23. (Not updated). Source: Health Departments of the States and the Federal District (updated data until 02/04/2016).Amanda Mendes Health Agency Meeting the press (61) 3315-3580 / 2745 http://combateaedes.saude.gov.br/noticias/510-microcefalia-estudo-aponta-que-1-trimestre-pode-ser-de-maior-risco-para-gravidas
MICROCEPHALY: study shows that Q1 may be at higher risk for pregnant women Data are from research conducted by the Ministry of Health and the US CDC in Paraiba. The new release are 4,046 cases microcephaly research, 1,046 confirmed and 1,814 discarded The case-control study in Paraíba shows preliminarily that mothers who had the Zika virus in the first trimester of pregnancy were more likely to have children with microcephaly. The Ministry of Health, in partnership with the Government of Paraiba and Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC) of the United States, continues with the analysis of blood samples collected from the mothers and babies paraibanos. Only after this phase, the final results will be announced. The initial result of the study, presented in João Pessoa (PB), also found no association of microcephaly with the exhibition of products such as insecticides, for example. "It's part of this study to investigate people who were not affected by microcephaly. Only after processing the collected blood samples, comparing cases and controls, can we estimate more clearly the risk of being affected by the disease and Zika's relationship with microcephaly, "said the aide Surveillance Secretariat of Health the Ministry of Health, Eduardo Hage, highlighting the commitment of the teams in the field phase of the research. "The study gave an agile, ethical and effective manner. The teams have taken important steps in the search for answers to the problem that concerns the world, "the Secretary of Health Surveillance, Ministry of Health, Antonio Nardi. The research, which began on 22 February, featured the work of eight teams - composed by the institutions involved - who investigated the proportion of infants born with microcephaly associated with Zika, and the risk of virus infection in 56 municipalities state. Overall, respondents were 165 cases of mothers who had babies with microcephaly and 446 control (mothers and babies in the same area without microcephaly). Among the babies, 52% are female and 48% male, in the age group 0-7 months. NEW RELEASE - In Brazil, 4,046 suspected cases of microcephaly are under investigation, according to a new report released on Tuesday (5) by the Ministry of Health since the beginning of the investigation, in October 2015, by 2. April - were 6,906 notifications in 1,307 municipalities of all units of the federation. Cases already completed, 1,814 have been discarded and 1,046 were confirmed to microcephaly and other nervous system disorders, suggestive of congenital infection. Of these, 170 have had laboratory confirmation to the Zika virus. In these cases, it performed specific laboratory test for the Zika virus. However, the Ministry of Health points out that this figure does not represent adequately the total number of cases related to the virus. That is, the folder considers that there was infection Zika most of the mothers who had babies with a final diagnosis of microcephaly. Until April 2, there were 227 deaths (fetal or neonatal) microcephaly suspects and / or alteration of the central nervous system after birth or during pregnancy (miscarriage or stillbirth). Of these, 51 were confirmed to microcephaly and / or alteration of the central nervous system. Other 148 are still under investigation and 28 were discarded. It should be noted that the Ministry of Health is investigating all cases of microcephaly and other disorders of the central nervous system, informed by the states, and the possible relationship with the Zika virus and other congenital infections. Microcephaly may be caused by, various infectious agents beyond Zika as Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis, Other Infectious Agents, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Herpes Viral. The Ministry of Health advises pregnant women to adopt measures to reduce the presence of Aedes aegypti, with the elimination of breeding sites, and protect themselves from mosquito exposure, keeping doors and closed or screened windows, wear pants and long-sleeved shirt and use repellents allowed for pregnant women. RESEARCH - Another study by a research group on the Zika epidemic (MERG) pointed out that 100 mothers of children with microcephaly interviews in the state of Pernambuco, 59 noted the presence of rash (rash) during pregnancy, common symptom in people infected by Zika virus. The research was published in a journal of the Center for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States. This group, specialist Oswaldo Cruz Pernambuco Foundation - Aggeu Magalhães Research Center (Fiocruz / CPqAM), the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO), the Ministry of Health, the Institute of Medicine integral professor Fernando Figueira (IMIP), the Federal University of Pernambuco Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, the Secretary of State of Pernambuco Health, the Federal Border South University, the University of Pernambuco, the Evaluation Institute of Technology Health and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Distribution of reported cases of microcephaly by UF until April 2, 2016 Regions and Federative UnitsMicrocephaly cases and / or malformations suggestive of congenital infectionTotal accumulated 1of reported cases from 2015 to 2016researchconfirmed 2.3discarded 4Brazil4,0461,0461,8146906Alagoas7252131255Bahia663194134991Ceará24776114437Maranhão1356634235Paraíba386103364853Pernambuco1,0533034901,846Piauí317049150large northern river2908335408Sergipe1573117205Northeast3,0349781,3685,380Holy Spirit91418113Minas Gerais28two4676Rio de Janeiro2972162380Sao Paulo162 * 5094256Southeast region57827220825Acre301two33Amapátwo305Amazon111113For231024Rondônia53412Roraima * 6160016Tocantins116017133North region203924236Federal district143237Goiás82930121Mato Grosso1131471198Mato Grosso do Sul5two1118Midwest region20129144374Paraná512531Santa Catarina0033Rio Grande do Sul25two3057South region3035891Source: Health Departments of the States and the Federal District (updated data until 02/27/2016). 1 Cumulative number of reported cases that met the definition of previous operating case (33 cm), and the definitions adopted in Surveillance Protocol (from 12/09/2015) that defined the Head Circumference 32 cm for newborns 37 or more weeks of gestation and other protocol definitions.2 present typical changes: indicative of congenital infection, such as intracranial calcifications, dilation of cerebral ventricles or changes in posterior fossa and other clinical signs observed by any imaging method or identification of Zika virus in laboratory tests.3 were confirmed 82 cases by specific laboratory criteria for Zika (PCR and serology technique) virus.4 Discarded have normal exams by presenting microcephaly and / or congenital malformations by non-infectious causes or does not meet the case definitions.* 5 As stated by the Epidemiological Surveillance Center "Prof. Alexandre Vranjac ", the State Secretary of Health of São Paulo, 162 cases are under investigation for congenital infection. Of these, 39 are possibly associated with infection by Zika virus, but have not yet been finalized investigations.* 6 Roraima data related to SE 12, until March 23. (Not updated). Source: Health Departments of the States and the Federal District (updated data until 02/04/2016).Amanda Mendes Health Agency Meeting the press (61) 3315-3580 / 2745 http://combateaedes.saude.gov.br/noticias/510-microcefalia-estudo-aponta-que-1-trimestre-pode-ser-de-maior-risco-para-gravidas
NewsCheersregulation Zika in Q1 raises risk of microcephalyPedro.Saude fourth April 6, 2016 - 07:54:13 First results of the Brazil-US partnership are still preliminary; another study shows pregnant rate with symptoms (CCM Health) - The Health Ministry announced on Tuesday (5) the first results of research on the zika virus in partnership with the Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) from United States. The study, done in the state of Paraiba, seems to show that infection zika in the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of development ofmicrocephaly baby. The federal alert body to the preliminary results, which have yet to be proven.The research, US-Brazil partnership fruit to study zika virus signed in February, is being held with 165 women who had children born with microcephaly and 446 whose babies do not have the malformation in 56 municipalities of the state of the Northeast. "The study gave an agile, ethical and effective. The teams have taken important steps in the search for answers to this problem that concerns the world," says Antonio Nardi, Surveillance Secretary of Health Ministry. Although this hypothesis was disproved by studies of the World Health Organization (WHO), Paraiba study also showed no association between cases alteration of the central nervous system of babies and the use of larvicides, said the Ministry of Health. in parallel to the Brazil-US research, joint work of experts from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), wHO, Brazilian universities and Tropical Medicine School of London, England, evaluated 100 mothers of children with microcephaly and found that 59 of them had rashes during pregnancy. The so-called skin rashes are the main symptoms of infection zika virus. http://saude.ccm.net/news/650-zika-no-1-trimestre-eleva-risco-de-microcefalia
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