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Jon Schultz

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  1. https://bnonews.com/index.php/2023/06/poland-investigating-bird-flu-outbreak-among-cats/ "Poland is investigating the deaths of dozens of cats and some of them have been linked to H5N1 bird flu, veterinarians reported on Friday. If confirmed, it would be the first time that avian influenza has affected cats in large numbers...."
  2. Any thoughts, Dr. Niman, as to whether this strain spreading in red-tailed hawks constitutes a significant development? If a virus spreads efficiently between ferrets does that mean it's likely to spread efficiently between people?
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12015805/Fresh-pandemic-fears-virologists-discover-bird-flu-spreads-efficiently-ferrets.html https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-2842567/v1
  4. He's not saying the vaccines are unsafe but that we are, for the first time ever, implementing mass vaccination in the midst of a heated pandemic with a somewhat mismatched vaccine which won't provide sterilizing immunity - with many people getting infected in the period between getting vaccinated and developing immunity - and this will not only drive the emergence of variants which completely evade the vaccine-acquired immunity but the vaccinated will be less able to fight off those variants than if they hadn't been vaccinated since the then ineffective vaccine-acquired immunity, having some affinity for the virus, will take precedence over the immune system's innate response to novel viral attacks. He also explains the mechanics of pandemics and why the waves of this pandemic are somewhat different than in the past very interestingly, seeming to have an excellent grasp of the situation. If you haven't watched the YouTube video which I linked to, which is a scientific presentation, I think you'll find it at least interesting (and his two YouTube interviews explain his position further). He has excellent credentials, if you look at his LinkedIn page, and says he feels so confident in what he is saying he isn't afraid to put his professional reputation on the line. He's asking scientists to evaluate and comment.
  5. Dr. Niman, Please address the serious concerns being raised by virologist Geert Vanden Bossche. Basically he's saying, if I understand him correctly, that the vaccination campaigns are driving viral immune escape which will result in increasingly vaccine-resistant variants, with the vaccinated losing their natural immune resistance and the vaccine updates unable to outpace the variants - and that a different kind of vaccine, which enhances natural killer cells, should be used. He's painting a pretty grim picture and seems quite credible, at least to me. https://twitter.com/GVDBossche https://mcusercontent.com/92561d6dedb66a43fe9a6548f/files/bead7203-0798-4ac8-abe2-076208015556/Public_health_emergency_of_international_concert_Geert_Vanden_Bossche.01.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shg0VWkz0VM&t=0
  6. Any thoughts as to whether the UK variant or the South Africa variant is more worrisome, Dr. Niman? If the two were circulating in the same area - as may be the case already, I think you might say - any guess as to which would dominate?
  7. That's a bad recording or the file is corrupted, Dr. Niman. The audio can't be understood.
  8. I don't know why nobody but Jeff Rense is interviewing you, Dr. Niman, when you're always so far ahead of the pack! https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/09/23/houston-coronavirus-mutations/ Massive genetic study shows coronavirus mutating and potentially evolving amid rapid U.S. spread
  9. This scenario from another research seems much more plausible: https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2020/09/09/alina-chan-broad-institute-coronavirus/ Could COVID-19 Have Escaped from a Lab?
  10. Nevermind, I posted before hearing Wednesday's show and seeing this article: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/09/report-resurrects-baseless-claim-that-coronavirus-was-bioengineered/ Report Resurrects Baseless Claim that Coronavirus Was Bioengineered
  11. Any thoughts on this paper, Dr. Niman? https://zenodo.org/record/4028830#.X2KwouhKiMr Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route
  12. Just as Dr. Niman has been saying: Coronavirus: recovered Chinese patients may be defenceless against foreign mutation, study says Antibodies found in blood of people who have fought disease failed to stop D614G, Chinese scientists say Mutant form identified in genetic data of samples collected at Xinfadi food market in Beijing where latest outbreak began https://www.scmp.com/coronavirus/greater-china/article/3089983/coronavirus-recovered-chinese-patients-may-be-defenceless
  13. Well, I'm not sure which comments you're referring to, the article I had linked to seems to be raising important questions which I think at least merit a comprehensive response by someone. At the same time I'm seeing some articles written by Childrens Health Defense, an organization Kennedy supposedly heads, which seem to me to be somewhat paranoid. Perhaps he is associated with some people because "politics makes strange bedfellows," nevertheless I was very disappointed to see him in a recent Daystar TV program with neither social distancing nor masks in the audience or on the panel. With regard to hydroxychloroquine, do you think there's any merit in this analysis by Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy? Roberts is another enigmatic figure to me, with some things he says seeming brilliant and others off the wall. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/05/28/the-campaign-against-hcq-part-ii/ Thank you for your Rense interviews. It's a shame you're not being aired in the mass media.
  14. You don't think Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is well-versed in science? He sure seems to be to me. I was hoping you would comment on his research and conclusions.
  15. Good for him. He may be doing himself more harm than good but #HealthFreedom! I sure won't be forced to take a vaccine (unless they get nasty:): Of course it would have been more responsible if he had cautioned people to consult with a healthcare provider they trust, not to take anything which isn't from a pharmacy and not to take more than the recommended dosage. I only hope doctors can legally prescribe so people won't take unsafe products.
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