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Everything posted by CoffeeLover

  1. Is this information correct that came up on a Twitter X search? The H5 E190D mutation mentioned in the X post refers to a specific change in the hemagglutinin (HA) protein of the H5N1 bird flu virus, not the 1918 H1N1 influenza virus. To address your question, let’s clarify: The "E190D" mutation indicates a change from glutamic acid (E) to aspartic acid (D) at position 190 of the HA protein. This mutation is numbered based on H5-specific conventions, not the H3 numbering often used as a standard for influenza HA proteins. The 1918 flu was caused by an H1N1 influenza virus, a different subtype from H5N1. The HA protein in H1N1 (H1) and H5N1 (H5) differs significantly in structure and sequence, so direct comparisons of specific mutations like "E190D" across subtypes require alignment to a common reference (e.g., H3 numbering). In the 1918 H1N1 virus, a well-documented mutation at position 190 (in H1 numbering) was D190E (aspartic acid to glutamic acid), the reverse of E190D. This mutation was notable because it contributed to the virus’s adaptation from avian to human hosts, enhancing its ability to bind to human-type sialic acid receptors (α2,6-linked). Studies, such as those from the early 2000s reconstructing the 1918 virus, confirmed this change was present in the pandemic strain. However, the E190D mutation in H5N1 (as seen in the British Columbia and Louisiana cases) is a different context. In H5N1, E190D is associated with increased binding affinity for mammalian receptors, but it’s not a direct match to the 1918 H1N1 situation. The H5 HA protein’s sequence and receptor-binding site differ from H1, so the functional impact of E190D in H5N1 isn’t identical to D190E in 1918 H1N1, though both suggest adaptation toward mammals. To summarize: No, the E190D mutation was not in the 1918 flu. The 1918 H1N1 virus had a D190E mutation in its H1 HA protein, which played a role in its human adaptation. The E190D in recent H5N1 cases is a distinct mutation in a different subtype (H5), potentially signaling a similar worrying trend of mammalian adaptation, but it’s not the same as what occurred in 1918.
  2. Have you ever known sequence submissions to be withdrawn?
  3. Are these sequences from residents of Singapore or are the sequences simply being processed from a lab located in Singapore? My daughter is in Singapore right now.
  4. “Rapid evolution “are the terms that a lay person needs to have to understand what’s happening.
  5. Thank you for the term “rapid recombination “because those two words are the most important to a lay person.
  6. Only this link and table says that Ronna McDaniel tested positive on September 25. Is the table accurate? Then you follow the dates and people. https://public.tableau.com/profile/peter.james.walker#!/vizhome/COVID-19attheWhiteHouse-ContactTracking/OverviewDash I read it wrong. That was her last contact with the President.
  7. So it took basically seven months for Idaho to go from 0 to 180 and then it doubled from that in one month. Is there anything significant about that or a pattern to watch for?
  8. Does this mean it was derived from the vaccine? If so, I don’t see anything in print that indicates they are stopping use of that vaccine.
  9. According to the Arizona dashboard the deaths are 3454.
  10. Relative to June 5, 2020 Niman/Rense interview. If I am understanding correctly, a vaccine specific to the Wuhan strain could make a person more susceptible to the virulence of the Italian strain since the vaccines are basically strain specific. Based on that premise, could the disparity of how COVID-19 is affecting people be partially due to prior vaccinations which could cause that susceptibility?
  11. I am deaf with cochlear implant’s that are still in the development stage. I cannot understand the audio of the Interview.
  12. Would you be willing to respond with your viewpoint on this article and the virus evolution?
  13. I am so tired of hearing the word modeling when applied to this virus development..It’s like an illusion and pretend knowledge full of holes. Especially those in the press conferences.
  14. I really appreciate your input, because you are the only one who has put it straight and applicable to daily life. I read the sequences, and understood them during the bird flu days, but this is new and just too much right now.
  15. At this point, does it matter if a lay person knows the difference between Italian and China origin? It really becomes a matter of survival vs the need for professional expertise.
  16. Since treatment doesn't seem to be an option because of the rapid evolvement and spread, is sheltering in place the only effective option at this time? And would that seem to be for an extended period of time, correct?
  17. Did the Italian virus strain start in China and change in the process of moving to Italy? Is the Italian strain more virulent than the strain that is said to have started in China? is the freight train specific only to the Italian strain?
  18. What does this mean?  In layperson speak.  Thank you so much.

    As of today

    #SARCoV2 #coronavirus

    1,020 full genomes Notable changes:

    •S clade 262 (+12)

    •G clade 330 (+43)

    •V clade 88 (+7)

    •Other clades 340 (+3) 6 out of 8 strains from Spain are S clade, rather than typical European G clade. Most USA strains = S Clade.

    1. niman


      That just gives the distribution at GISAID

      However, recent sequences from New York match Italy

  19. PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) -- The first Arizona death from coronavirus was confirmed by the Department of Health on Friday. Health officials did not release the patient’s name or city they lived in on Friday, but said it was a Maricopa County man in his 50s with underlying health conditions.
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