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  1. Third UK Case of Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Confirmed Dawn O'Shea February 07, 2020 The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Public Health England (PHE) have announced a third case of coronavirus 2019-nCoV. The UK Chief Medical Officers have raised the risk to the public from low to moderate. As of 5th February, a total of 566 UK tests have concluded, of which 563 were confirmed negative and three were positive. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has advised UK nationals to leave China where possible. FCO cautions that if the situation continues to escalate it may become harder for people to travel. In its latest update, PHE says the advice has changed based on emerging information from China about the number of cases and the spread of infection from person to person. However, the agency that this is “a highly precautionary measure to limit the potential spread of infection”. PHE advises that, based on current evidence, 2019-nCov presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild. Those who have died in Wuhan appear to have had pre-existing health conditions. The third patient is being treated at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital in London. In a statement to patients on its website the hospital said: "We are currently treating a patient with coronavirus. As the patient is being treated in isolation, there is absolutely no risk to any other patients or visitors. All of our services remain open as usual, so if you have a hospital appointment please attend as planned." https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/924924
  2. Coronavirus: five new cases in France announces Buzyn, two schools closed in Haute-Savoie Investigations are underway to determine the people who were in contact with the five new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Haute-Savoie. By Le Figaro with AFP Posted 12 hours ago, updated 6 hours ago The Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn announced on Saturday February 8 that 5 new cases of the 2019-nCov virus had been detected in France. They are four adults and one child. "Their clinical condition shows no sign of seriousness," said the minister. These people were hospitalized in Lyon, Grenoble and Saint-Etienne. Agnès Buzyn, the Minister of Health, confirms this Saturday February 8 that five new cases of coronavirus have been detected in France. It is a "cluster", a group of people contaminated by an initial case. "An initial case was reported to us last night, it is a British national returning from Singapore where he had stayed from January 20 to 23," said Agnes Buzyn. He stayed in France from 24 to 28 January in a chalet in Contamines-Montjoie, in Haute-Savoie. In this chalet are two apartments. In the first, three people - including the initial case - were diagnosed "positive" and four others suffered from minor symptoms. In the second apartment, a father and his 9-year-old child were also infected. The mother, who was not present, was taken into hospital on British soil. In addition to the five people positive for the new coronavirus, six other "close contacts" of this British national - who is no longer on national territory -, who lived in the same chalet, were therefore hospitalized on the night of Friday to Saturday by precautionary measure, according to the minister. All are of British nationality. The authorities are currently tracing the close contacts of these people. This is the case of the 9-year-old child “who has stayed in two educational establishments including that of the commune of Contamines where he is resident and who has been in a school in Saint-Gervais for one day for French lessons ”, explained Jean-Yves Grall, director of the Regional Health Agency, during a press conference this Saturday afternoon. Following this discovery, the two schools the child visited will be closed next week "to allow further investigation". Children in these schools will be monitored to "find out if they have been in contact with the sick child and check if they have any problems". "A certain number of arrangements will be made for the other children and their parents" who will receive a letter from the French Ministry of Education indicating the arrangements to be made. Crisis cells at the Marie des Contamines will be permanently open this Saturday evening. At the departmental level, another unit linked to the Regional Health Agency (ARS) at the prefecture. A specific telephone number, 0800 100 379, has been set up for those affected by this grouping of several cases.
  3. A British businessman traveling from Singapore to the Contamines-Montjoie ski resort in France to London has been linked to a cluster of five at the ski resort, with additional contacts in London under investigation. He was the third confirmed case in England,and the cluster in ski resort were case numbers 7-11 for France. https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/coronavirus-5-nouveaux-cas-en-france-20200208
  4. Feb 7 Diamond Princess 3/6 nCoV positive 2 American Reset on quarantine clock Severe case Twilight Zone - To Serve Man re-run PCR confirmed in China up to 62,203 (34,546 confirmed) Pangolin natural host - nCoV 99% identical http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_020720_hr3.mp3
  5. This cluster was reported in NEJM.Most recent cases have been asymptomatic and discovered by testing because they were contacts
  6. The Bavarian Ministry of Health informed on Friday about the current development in cases with the novel corona virus in Bavaria. A ministry spokesman said in Munich that, according to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), another coronavirus case in Bavaria had been confirmed. There are currently twelve confirmed coronavirus cases in Bavaria (as of 6:00 p.m.). The twelfth case is the wife of a man whose positive findings were announced last week and is currently being treated at the Munich Clinic Schwabing. The man is an employee of the company from the district of Starnberg, where most of the previously known cases are also employed. The woman is medically monitored and is isolated in the Munich Clinic Schwabing. https://www.stmgp.bayern.de/presse/aktuelle-informationen-zur-coronavirus-lage-in-bayern-bayerisches-gesundheitsministerium-14/
  7. Cluster began with business associate from Shanghai at a meeting involving an auto parts supplier in Germany. The latest nCoV positive is the wife of one of the employees. This cluster also spread to the Canary Islands via an employee on vacation. Many of the nCoV positive cases are asymptomatic.
  8. On February 1 he tested positive for coronavirus, prompting Japanese authorities to deny entry to the ship and screen more than 3,700 people for the virus when the vessel returned to Yokohama on February 3. Of the 3,711 people screened on the ship, 273 were selected for further tests. They had disembarked in Hong Kong or been in contact with the 80-year-old. It is not yet known for certain whether the 80-year-old was the cruise ship's 'patient zero' who transmitted the virus to other passengers. The deadly virus could have been brought on board by another person as American passengers Clyde and Renee Smith said they had been on a bus trip with the man in Kagoshima but both tested negative for the virus. Guests who had been in contact with him were among the 273 selected for testing, of whom 61 since tested positive. Japanese media said the man had been in contact with 36 passengers, including at least two of the first ten who tested positive. +10 A map showing the journey of the Diamond Princess since January 20. At (1) in Yokohama an 80-year-old passenger boarded the ship. Two days later at (2) in Kagoshima he joined in a bus ride excursion with fellow passengers. He left in Hong Kong (3) before the ship continued to Vietnam (4 and 5) before stopping in Taiwan (6) on January 31. It is unclear how many passengers left the ship there. The cruise liner then sailed to Okinawa (7) before returning to Yokohama (1) where it was quarantined https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7978695/Journey-cruise-ship-passenger-infected-coronavirus.html
  9. On February 1 he tested positive for coronavirus, prompting Japanese authorities to deny entry to the ship and screen more than 3,700 people for the virus when the vessel returned to Yokohama on February 3. Of the 3,711 people screened on the ship, 273 were selected for further tests. They had disembarked in Hong Kong or been in contact with the 80-year-old. It is not yet known for certain whether the 80-year-old was the cruise ship's 'patient zero' who transmitted the virus to other passengers. The deadly virus could have been brought on board by another person as American passengers Clyde and Renee Smith said they had been on a bus trip with the man in Kagoshima but both tested negative for the virus. Guests who had been in contact with him were among the 273 selected for testing, of whom 61 since tested positive. Japanese media said the man had been in contact with 36 passengers, including at least two of the first ten who tested positive. +10 A map showing the journey of the Diamond Princess since January 20. At (1) in Yokohama an 80-year-old passenger boarded the ship. Two days later at (2) in Kagoshima he joined in a bus ride excursion with fellow passengers. He left in Hong Kong (3) before the ship continued to Vietnam (4 and 5) before stopping in Taiwan (6) on January 31. It is unclear how many passengers left the ship there. The cruise liner then sailed to Okinawa (7) before returning to Yokohama (1) where it was quarantined https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7978695/Journey-cruise-ship-passenger-infected-coronavirus.html
  10. New Coronavirus Infections Confirmed on a Cruise Ship Called at Yokohama Port (Report 4)  The cruise ship “Diamond Princess”, which arrived at Yokohama Port on February 3, is undergoing quarantine at sea, but three out of six new test results for the new coronavirus have been identified. Coronavirus positivity was confirmed. She has already been transported to a medical institution and is hospitalized.  A total of 64 out of 279 people tested positive. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_09398.html
  11. New Coronavirus Infections Confirmed on a Cruise Ship Called at Yokohama Port (Report 4)  The cruise ship “Diamond Princess”, which arrived at Yokohama Port on February 3, is undergoing quarantine at sea, but three out of six new test results for the new coronavirus have been identified. Coronavirus positivity was confirmed. She has already been transported to a medical institution and is hospitalized.  A total of 64 out of 279 people tested positive. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_09398.html
  12. Two U.S. citizens and one Chinese citizen confirmed infection 2020/2/8 11:11 (JST) 2/8 11:25 (JST) updated © Kyodo News  According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, three people newly infected with the new coronavirus are two Americans and one Chinese. https://this.kiji.is/598697875943408737
  13. 2 more nCoV confirmed passengers on Diamond Princess brings the US total 13. Total for the ship is now 64.
  14. Two U.S. citizens and one Chinese citizen confirmed infection 2020/2/8 11:11 (JST) 2/8 11:15 (JST) updated © Kyodo News  According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, three people newly infected with the new coronavirus are two Americans and one Chinese. https://this.kiji.is/598697875943408737
  15. Three new viruses confirmed on new virus cruise ship 9:36 on February 8, 2020New type pneumonia On a cruise ship where outbreaks of the new coronavirus were confirmed, three new cases were confirmed. Since the cruise ship anchored off the port of Yokohama, 64 passengers and crew members have been infected. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has conducted a quarantine of about 3,700 passengers and all crew members on the cruise ship "Diamond Princess" this month, including those with symptoms such as fever and cough. We have collected samples from a total of 279 people who have been in close contact with each other and have performed virus tests. On the 8th, the results of six new cases were revealed, and three infections were revealed. The three newly infected patients have already been transported to a medical institution and hospitalized. The cruise ship left Yokohama last month, after which an 80-year-old man living in Hong Kong had been found infected with the new coronavirus after leaving the ship in Hong Kong. A total of 64 cruise ships have been infected, excluding Hong Kong men. Also, according to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, one person who has some pre-existing illness among those who have been infected by the 6th has severe symptoms. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has requested that the remaining 3,600 passengers and crew members remain on board, and in principle, wait 14 days from the 5th of this month in their cabin. The number of people infected with the new coronavirus in Japan was 89, including 64 on cruise ships. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200208/k10012277911000.html
  16. 3 more on cruise ship in Yokohama test positive for coronavirus KYODO NEWS - 1 hour ago - 10:03 | All, World, Japan Three more people on a cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama have tested positive for a new coronavirus, the health ministry said Saturday, bringing the total number of people from the vessel infected to 64. https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/02/c4d42b7532cb-3-more-on-cruise-ship-in-yokohama-test-positive-for-coronavirus.html
  17. Three new people were found to be infected with the new coronavirus on a cruise ship anchored in Yokohama Port. The number of confirmed infections on the cruise ship is now 64.On the cruise ship `` Diamond Princess '', out of about 3,700 passenger occupants, 61 people were known to be infected by 7th . According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, six new tests were found, of which three were confirmed to be infected. The three have already been transported to a medical facility and are hospitalized. Now 64 cruise ships have been infected. The cruise ship left Yokohama Port, anchored at around 9:30 am on August 8, and is now sailing offshore. According to Yokohama City, there is a shortage of domestic water on board and it is necessary to draw seawater to make fresh water for it, but since the equipment for changing to fresh water does not work unless the ship is moving, It means that he came offshore. https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_society/articles/000175740.html
  18. Cruise ship confirms three new infections 2020/2/8 09:30 (JST) 2/8 10:20 (JST) updated © Kyodo News  The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on March 8 that three new coronavirus infections have been confirmed in passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
  19. Media reports cite and increase of nCoV confirmed cases on the Diamond Princess cruise ship to 64. https://this.kiji.is/598672585603007585?c=39550187727945729
  20. Update on the epidemic situation of new coronavirus pneumonia as of 24:00 on February 7 Published: 2020-02-08Source : Health Emergency Office   At 04:00 on February 7th, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported that 3,399 newly diagnosed cases (2,841 in Hubei) and 1,280 severe cases (1,193 in Hubei) were newly added. There were 86 deaths (81 in Hubei, 2 in Heilongjiang, 1 in Beijing, Henan, and Gansu), and 4214 suspected cases (2073 in Hubei).   On the same day, 510 cases were cured and discharged (298 cases in Hubei), and 26,702 close contacts were lifted from medical observation.   As of 24:00 on February 7th, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have reported cumulatively. There are 31774 confirmed cases (6101 of which are severe cases), 2,050 cases have been cured and discharged, and 722 have died. A total of 34,546 confirmed cases were reported (14 cases in Heilongjiang Province), and 27,657 suspected cases were reported. A total of 345,498 close contacts were tracked, and 189,660 close contacts were still in medical observation.   A total of 52 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan: 26 cases in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1 death), 10 cases in the Macau Special Administrative Region (1 case was cured and discharged), and 16 were in Taiwan (1 case cured and discharged).     (Note: When quoted by the media, please mark "Information comes from the official website of the National Health and Health Commission.")
  21. 6101 of which are severe cases 2,050 cases have been cured and discharged, and 722 have died http://www.nhc.gov.cn/xcs/yqtb/202002/6c305f6d70f545d59548ba17d79b8229.shtml
  22. On February 7, 2020 , from 04:00 to 24:00 , 2841 new cases of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection were added in Hubei Province , including: 1985 in Wuhan, 172 in Xiaogan, 144 in Huanggang, 98 in Ezhou, and Xiangyang 69 cases, 68 cases in Huangshi City, 56 cases in Jingzhou City, 52 cases in Xiantao City, 43 cases in Shiyan City, 38 cases in Suizhou City, 35 cases in Jingmen City, 33 cases in Xianning City, 23 cases in Yichang City, 16 cases in Tianmen City, Qianjiang There were 6 cases in the city and 3 cases in Enshi Prefecture. There were 81 new deaths in the province , of which 67 were in Wuhan, 2 in Xiangyang, 1 in Yichang, 1 in Jingzhou, 1 in Jingmen, 2 in Ezhou, 1 in Xiaogan, and 4 in Huanggang. There was 1 case in Xianning and 1 case in Qianjiang. There were 298 new hospital discharges , including: 164 in Wuhan, 12 in Huangshi, 9 in Shiyan, 2 in Xiangyang, 13 in Yichang, 7 in Jingzhou, 12 in Jingmen, 2 in Ezhou, and Xiaogan There were 13 cases, 37 cases in Huanggang City, 6 cases in Xianning City, 14 cases in Suizhou City, 3 cases in Enshi Prefecture, 3 cases in Xiantao City, and 1 case in Qianjiang City. As of 24:00 on February 7, 2020, Hubei Province has reported 24953 cases of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infections , including: 13603 cases in Wuhan, 2313 cases in Xiaogan City, 2041 cases in Huanggang City, 953 cases in Suizhou City, and 941 cases in Jingzhou City. 907 cases in Xiangyang City, 703 cases in Huangshi City, 633 cases in Yichang City, 588 cases in Jingmen City, 569 cases in Ezhou City, 476 cases in Xianning City, 438 cases in Shiyan City, 359 cases in Xiantao City, 179 cases in Tianmen City, and 160 cases in Enshi 80 cases in Qianjiang City and 10 cases in Shennongjia Forest District. 1,115 patients have been cured and discharged. There were 699 deaths, including: 545 in Wuhan, 2 in Huangshi, 5 in Xiangyang, 8 in Yichang, 11 in Jingzhou, 18 in Jingmen, 20 in Ezhou, 26 in Xiaogan, and 36 in Huanggang. , 2 in Xianning, 9 in Suizhou, 5 in Xiantao, 10 in Tianmen, and 2 in Qianjiang. At present , 19835 cases are still being treated in the hospital , of which 4188 cases are critically ill and 1,007 cases are critically ill. They are all under isolation treatment at designated medical institutions. A total of 114,044 close contacts have been tracked, and 67,802 people are still undergoing medical observation.
  23. 4188 cases are severely ill and 1,007 cases are critically ill 699 deaths 1,115 patients have been cured and discharged http://wjw.hubei.gov.cn/fbjd/dtyw/202002/t20200208_2021418.shtml
  24. Travel restrictions designed to delay spread
  25. Still containment but exploring mitigation strategies
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