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  1. There are two new travel-related cases today with one in Collier and one in Hillsborough. There no new locally acquired cases today. The total number of Zika cases reported in Florida as of today is 1,222. http://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2016/12/120216-zika-update.html Infection Type Infection Count Travel-Related Infections of Zika 963 Locally Acquired Infections of Zika 244 Undetermined 15 Pregnant Women with Lab-Evidence of Zika 174
  2. Highly pathogenic avian influenza, France Information received on 02/12/2016 from Dr Loic Evain, Directeur Général adjoint, CVO, Direction générale de l'alimentation, Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt, Paris, France Summary Report type Immediate notification Date of start of the event 25/11/2016 Date of confirmation of the event 01/12/2016 Report date 02/12/2016 Date submitted to OIE 02/12/2016 Reason for notification New strain of a listed disease Manifestation of disease Clinical disease Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus Serotype H5N8 Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (advanced) This event pertains to a defined zone within the country New outbreaks (1) Outbreak 1 (1) Almayrac, Almayrac, TARN Date of start of the outbreak 25/11/2016 Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided) Epidemiological unit Farm Affected animals Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered Birds 5143 2000 2000 0 0 Affected population Mortality has been observed since 25 November 2016 in an open-air farm with ducks ready for gavage. On 1 December, the national reference laboratory confirmed the presence of H5N8 virus in samples taken on 28 November. All of the animals in the farm will be destroyed this day (2 December), as well as the animals from a nearby farm that will be subjected to pre-emptive stamping out. Epidemiological investigation is ongoing and animals from any linked farm will be subjected to pre-emptive stamping out. Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1 Total animals affected Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered Birds 5143 2000 2000 0 0 Outbreak statistics Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost* Birds 38.89% 38.89% 100.00% 38.89% *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter Epidemiology Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection Contact with wild species Epidemiological comments A 3-km protection zone and a 10-km surveillance zone were implemented around the affected farms. Control measures Measures applied Screening Disinfection / Disinfestation Traceability Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone Surveillance within containment and/or protection zone Zoning Vaccination permitted (if a vaccine exists) No treatment of affected animals Measures to be applied Stamping out Official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste Diagnostic test results Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result ANSES National Reference Laboratory for avian influenza and Newcastle disease, Ploufragan (National laboratory) Birds nucleotide sequencing 01/12/2016 Positive ANSES National Reference Laboratory for avian influenza and Newcastle disease, Ploufragan (National laboratory) Birds real-time reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction (RRT-PCR) 01/12/2016 Positive Future Reporting The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted. Map of outbreak locations http://www.oie.int/wahis_2/public/wahid.php/Reviewreport/Review?page_refer=MapFullEventReport&reportid=21772
  3. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1aNOepBDPUd0zdRnQE1UbSW8djsk&ll=44.02014530059721%2C-0.1270441484374487&z=8
  4. Bird flu virus spreads in several farms Southwest December 02 at 3:22 p.m. by AFP | Updated 53 minutes ago PHOTO / AFP Updated at 19 h 44. Three duck farms in the Gers, welcoming a total of 3,890 ducks were affected by avian flu, said Friday in Auch the department prefect, Pierre Ory. The "outbreaks" on three farms in the Gers, one spot 690 ducks and two others who account for each 1,600, has he said at a press conference, adding that a "firm response" was was decided to prevent the spread of the disease. " Ducks ready to gorge were transported in the three affected farms in the Gers and, according to the prefect, the same supplier (Tarn)" is causing infections in the Hautes-Pyrenees, Lot-et Garonne and the Gers. A protection zone of three kilometers, and seven additional kilometers supervision is in place around the farms of the Gers. But "these cases are confined in homes, allowing to contain ," he said. The virus is "h autement pathogenic and withering in its spread, resulting in an extremely high mortality rate of 50% within 72 hours ," he said. 18,000 ducks were slaughtered in the Tarn, in the wake of the discovery of an outbreak of avian flu, and the virus spreads in the departments of Gers, Lot-et-Garonne and Hautes-Pyrénées, where cases was detected, did was learned from the prefecture. " All the animals were slaughtered or 18,000" in total, in two separate farms in the town of Almayrac, said the prefect of the Tarn, Jean-Michel Mougard, at a press conference. A case was also detected in the Hautes-Pyrénées, in the prefecture of this department. A press conference of the Gers Prefecture is scheduled at 17:00. " We see some viral growth" , particularly in the Gers, the Hautes-Pyrénées and Lot-et-Garonne, said the prefect of the Tarn. " There are suspected, samples are underway" , he said. "Indeed, a day before the findings of the first dead duck in the second breeding Almayrac, a convoy left with ducks to these departments ," said the Prefect. " The goal is to absolutely stop the spread of the virus. Other animals may be euthanized, including preventively if there is suspicion. For now, we freeze movement and proceed to use disinfection. animals must be confined in farms rigorously because we perceive a certain viral progression , "he said. " This pathogen virus is extremely dangerous because mortality intervenes quickly. This is the first time that we see this degree of virulence. Breeders will be a census to be compensated since mid-January ," he said the prefect of the Tarn.
  5. Three duck farms in the Gers, welcoming a total of 3,890 ducks were affected by avian flu, said Friday in Auch the department prefect, Pierre Ory. http://www.lindependant.fr/2016/12/02/grippe-aviaire-18-000-canards-abattus-dans-le-tarn-un-cas-dans-les-hautes-pyrenees,2279811.php
  6. Immediate notification report Report reference: H5N8_2 REF OIE 21772, Report Date: 02/12/2016, Country : France Report Summary Name of sender of the report Dr Loic Evain Telephone (33) 1 49 55 81 77 Position Directeur Général adjoint, CVO Fax (33) 1 49 55 55 91 Address 251, rue de Vaugirard 75732 PARIS Cedex 15 Paris Email [email protected] Date submitted to OIE 02/12/2016 Animal type Terrestrial Date of report 02/12/2016 Disease Highly pathogenic avian influenza Date of start of the event 25/11/2016 Causal Agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus Date of confirmation of the event 01/12/2016 Serotype(s) H5N8 Diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (advanced) Reason New strain of a listed disease Clinical signs Yes Country or zone a zone or compartment Number of Outbreaks to Report 1 Number of reported outbreaks submitted= 1, Draft= 1 Outbreak details Département Number of outbreaks Commune Unit Type Location Latitude Longitude Start Date End Date: TARN- (this report - submitted) - Almayrac Farm Almayrac 44.1017 2.1675 25/11/2016 Species Measuring units Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered Birds Animals 5143 2000 2000 0 0 Affected Population Mortality has been observed since 25 November 2016 in an open-air farm with ducks ready for gavage. On 1 December, the national reference laboratory confirmed the presence of H5N8 virus in samples taken on 28 November. All of the animals in the farm will be destroyed this day (2 December), as well as the animals from a nearby farm that will be subjected to pre-emptive stamping out. Epidemiological investigation is ongoing and animals from any linked farm will be subjected to pre-emptive stamping out. http://www.oie.int/wahis_2/temp/reports/en_imm_0000021772_20161202_184508.pdf
  7. 18,000 ducks were slaughtered on Friday in the Tarn. The virus has spread to "around three departments," according to the prefect of the Tarn. " All the animals were slaughtered or 18,000 " in total, in two separate farms in the town of Almayrac, said the prefect of the Tarn, Jean-Michel Mougard, at a press conference. http://radiototem.fr/index.php/infos/29-quercy-rouergue/1015-le-sud-ouest-a-nouveau-touche-par-la-grippe-aviaire
  8. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1aNOepBDPUd0zdRnQE1UbSW8djsk&ll=43.281065397846774%2C-0.2613051343751067&z=7
  9. THE SOUTHWEST AGAIN HIT BY BIRD FLU 18,000 ducks were slaughtered on Friday in the Tarn. The virus has spread to "around three departments," according to the prefect of the Tarn. " All the animals were slaughtered or 18,000 " in total, in two separate farms in the town of Almayrac, said the prefect of the Tarn, Jean-Michel Mougard, at a press conference. A case was also detected in the Hautes-Pyrénées, in the prefecture of this department. " We see some viral growth ", particularly in the Gers, the Hautes-Pyrénées and Lot-et-Garonne, said the prefect of the Tarn. " There are suspected, samples are underway ," he said. "Indeed, a day before the findings of the first dead duck in the second breeding Almayrac, a convoy left with ducks to these departments," said the Prefect. "EXTREMELY DANGEROUS VIRUS" "The goal is to absolutely stop the spread of the virus. Other animals may be euthanized, including preventively if there is suspicion . For now, we freeze movement and proceed to use disinfection. animals must be confined in farms rigorously because we perceive a certain viral progression, "he said. "This pathogen virus is extremely dangerous because mortality intervenes quickly. This is the first time that we see this degree of virulence . Breeders will be a census to be compensated by mid-January," said the prefect of the Tarn. RESTRICTION OF EXPORTS According to the Ministry of Agriculture, who confirmed the information Friday morning, the virus was transmitted by migratory birds . A 3 km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone have been established around the farm. This new case of bird flu will impact all foie gras producers. Indeed, France will not export its production outside Europe. December 2, 2016
  10. " We see some viral growth ", particularly in the Gers, the Hautes-Pyrénées and Lot-et-Garonne, said the prefect of the Tarn. " There are suspected, samples are underway ," he said. http://radiototem.fr/index.php/infos/29-quercy-rouergue/1015-le-sud-ouest-a-nouveau-touche-par-la-grippe-aviaire
  11. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1aNOepBDPUd0zdRnQE1UbSW8djsk&ll=44.52423409180842%2C0.5099698808593303&z=12
  12. A case of avian influenza detected in the Lot-et-Garonne: 2000 ducks slaughtered HIGHLIGHTS / AGEN / Published the 02/12/2016. Updated 3:31 p.m. by sudouest.fr Lot-et-Garonne SUBSCRIBE TO € 1 8 COMMENTS The virus was identified on a farm in Monbahus. © "SOUTH WEST" ILLUSTRATION It's in a room of feeding ducks in the town of Monbahus, the presence of the virus was reported. The animals come from a farming Tarn This is a first ! A case of bird flu was reported on Friday, in a feeding room ducks in Monbahus in Villeneuvois. If othersources of infection had been reported in neighboring departments, the Lot-et-Garonne had hitherto been preserved by this virus. According to preliminary information, the animals come from a farming Tarn. Publicity The veterinary services have detected the H5N8 strain. A very aggressive strain since the volatile seems to die quickly. Reached by telephone , the mayor of Monbahus, Jean-Marie Gary, confirmed that "2,000 ducks have already been slaughtered." The mobilized Chamber of Agriculture The prefecture should make orders in the next few hours, to limit the risk of contamination , including total containment of 3 km radius, 46 municipalities. Special measures concerning hunting will also be taken and the transport of animals should be banned. The Chamber of Agriculture is at the disposal of farmers for more information. Serge Bousquet-Cassagne, its president, hoping "that the compensation arrive before the elections." A meeting with the prefect of Lot-et-Garonne is organized in 16 hours.
  13. It's in a room of feeding ducks in the town of Monbahus, the presence of the virus was reported. The animals come from a farming Tarn http://www.sudouest.fr/2016/12/02/un-cas-de-grippe-aviaire-detecte-dans-le-lot-et-garonne-2588620-3603.php
  14. Tarn: this is the avian flu that hit a farm in Almayrac The information has been confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture: an outbreak of avian influenza H5N8, "highly pathogenic" for birds, was detected in a duck farm in the town of Tarn Almayrac By Michel Pech Published on 12.02.2016 at 09:46, Updated 12.02.2016 at 10:54 194 © Maxppp Access livestock roads were blocked 194 Since last Sunday, 2000 Ducks a tarnais livestock that were killed died 5000 by a bacterium that attacks the neurological system. The results of the veterinary analyzes clearly indicate that it is a strain of bird flu. Proximity with wildlifeThis farm is located on the main road 905, near Lake Roucarié in the town of Almayrac. This lake is a resting place in the migration of wild ducks. This proximity could explain the virus from spreading to neighboring livestock. Many cases were reported in Europe in recent weeks, "the role of migratory birds appear prominent in the spread of this virus," the ministry said, adding that the new cases have no connection with the episode occurred last year in the Southwest of France. Immediately, protective measures were taken by the Prefecture of TarnThe Departmental Directorate of Protection of Tarn populations immediately put in place the management and protection measures provided by the European regulations, the statement said. A 3 km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone have been set up around the farm. Ducks from the infected farm will be slaughtered. Preventive slaughter in other farmsFollowing a survey of downstream traceability, preventive slaughter of animals will be achieved in the epidemiologically related farms to the detected home.Enhanced surveillance will be set up around the farms, again with the establishment of a 3 km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/midi-pyrenees/tarn/tarn-c-est-bien-virus-grippe-aviaire-qui-frappe-elevage-almayrac-1145921.html
  15. HPAI H5N8: an outbreak detected in the Tarn in a duck farm AVIAN INFLUENZA OCCITANIE SAFETY ANIMAL PROTECTION © Pascal Xicluna / Min.Agri.Fr 02/12/2016 COMMUNICATED A first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 was confirmed on 1 December 2016 by the national reference laboratory of ANSES on a farm duck in the Tarn (town of Almayrac). High mortality of ducks had been reported and resulted samples for analysis earlier this week. Among the 5,000 ducks that involved the exploitation, 2,000 ducks died. To recap, the same H5N8 virus was detected for the first time in France on November 27 on wild ducks in the Pas-de-Calais. Many cases were reported in Europe in recent weeks on migratory birds but also in poultry. The role of migratory birds appear prominent in the spread of this particularly contagious virus in birds but harmless to humans. Departmental Directorate of Protection of Tarn populations immediately put in place the management and protection measures provided by the European regulations. A 3 km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone have been set up around the farm. Ducks from the infected farm will be slaughtered. Following a downstream traceability survey of preventive slaughter of animals will be achieved in the epidemiologically related farms to the detected home. Enhanced surveillance will be set up around the farms; a 3 km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone will also be established. The new cases have no connection with the episode occurred last year in the South West of France. Nevertheless, the discovery of a first outbreak in a commercial farming does not allow France to recover on 3 December, as planned, its status free from HPAI.However, the international standards of the OIE on the "regionalization" of animal diseases should be applied, and exports of French poultry products should continue. The Ministry of Agriculture calls for vigilance all stakeholders, including veterinarians, breeders, hunters, private owners of farmyards and other bird keepers to make every effort to protect France from the spread of this virus. This involves in particular a flawless application of biosecurity measures (measures detailed in the Ministerial Decree of 8 February 2016) and to report all bird mortality. Finally, the overall system of risk management related to wildlife has been revised on the basis of a notice of ANSES. An order was issued that day to clarify the relevant provisions, in wetlands in particular risk for the use of caller for hunting waterfowl and releases of game birds. For more information, all the measures is detailed here in Managing the new H5N8 case. HPAI H5N8: an outbreak detected in the Tarn in a duck farm (PDF, 152.22 KB) Press contacts Press service of Stéphane Le Foll - Tel. : 01 49 55 59 74; Fax: 01 49 55 43 81; [email protected] Press Service of the Department - Tel. : 01 49 55 60 11; [email protected] http://agriculture.gouv.fr/influenza-aviaire-hautement-pathogene-h5n8-un-foyer-detecte-dans-le-tarn-dans-un-elevage-de-canard-0
  16. A bird flu outbreak detected in a duck farm Tarn After the discovery of this new case, France will not resume foie gras exports outside Europe. The Monde.fr with AFP and Reuters | 12/02/2016 at 9:57 • Updated 12.02.2016 at 10:40 Subscribe to € 1 React Add Sharetweeter A home bird flu H5N8 was detected in a duck farm in the town of Almayrac Tarn,announced Friday, 2 December the Ministry of Agriculture . In this highly pathogenic avian influenza, 2000 of 5,000 ducks died. This virus, "harmless to humans" , had once been detected on November 26 in the Pas-de- Calais in wild ducks. His appearance in a breeding this time "will not allow to France to recover on 3 December, as planned, free status of avian influenza" , essential for export poultry and foie gras out of Europe , said the ministry in a statement. "However, the international standards of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on the regionalization of animal diseases should be applied, and exports of French poultry products should continue" , says the ministry. Read also: Avian influenza: the risk passes from "negligible" to "high" in a part of France cordon and slaughter Many cases were reported in Europe in recent weeks in migratory birds but also in poultry. The role of migratory birds appear prominent in the spread of this particularly contagious virus in birds but harmless to humans, the ministry said. A protection zone of 3 km and a 10 km surveillance zone have been set up around livestock and ducks from the infected farm will be slaughtered in accordance with European regulations. Preventive slaughter of animals will be achieved in the epidemiologically related farms to the detected home. The new cases have no connection with the episode occurred last year in the southwest of France, the ministry said, that exports of French poultry products should nevertheless continue . http://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2016/12/02/un-foyer-de-grippe-aviaire-detecte-dans-un-elevage-de-canards-du-tarn_5042040_3244.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Twitter&utm_term=Autofeed#link_time=1480671709
  17. Published on 02/12/2016 at 09:14, Updated 02/12/2016 at 14:27 Avian influenza in the Tarn: blow to the poultry industry Avian Flu A rearing of young ducks in Caupenne in the Southwest of France. GAIZKA Iroz / AFP / File 3 A new outbreak of bird flu was discovered in the Southwest, a blow to the poultry and foie gras industry, which will have to wait to resume exports outside Europe, suspended since a previous episode of illness. The Ministry of Agriculture said Friday in a statement that an outbreak of avian influenza H5N8 "highly pathogenic" for birds had been detected in a duck farm Tarn. In this operation the town of Almayrac, high mortality ducks (2,000 on high 5.000 on the site) was reported and resulted samples for analysis earlier this week. ANSES, the National Health Security food agency on Thursday confirmed the presence of a "first highly pathogenic avian H5N8 influenza outbreak," reports the ministry. This strain of the virus had been detected for the first time on November 26 in the Pas-de-Calais, in wild ducks. His appearance in a breeding this time, "does not allow France to recover on 3 December, as planned, its status [country] free from avian influenza," the ministry said in a statement. But this status lost by France a year ago following a previous episode of avian flu, is essential to export poultry and foie gras in many countries outside Europe, such as Japan. "However, the international standards of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the regionalization of animal diseases should be applied, and exports of French poultry products should continue", says the ministry. For the president of canners producers on the farm, Pierre Laval, located in the Gers, not finding free status will however "no consequences" for small producers because "if some export to Europe, they can not export outside Europe "anyway, because of the costs involved. "Leading role of migratory birds" To explain the resurgence of the disease, the ministry said that many cases were reported in Europe in recent weeks and that "the role of migratory birds appear prominent in the spread of this virus." The new cases do, however, have no connection with the episode occurred last year in the South West of France, where it is a mutation of a virus which circulated without causing carnage at issue. "It is not surprising to have all these cases (of bird flu, Ed) at this time because they are all related to wild birds and is in the midst of winter migration. For European countries West, this include the Eurasian animals, with the cold, approach areas where it is best for the winter, "explained this week told AFP the Director General of the OIE, Dr Monique Eloit. Departmental Directorate of Protection of Tarn populations immediately put in place the management and protection provided by European legislation, to stem this epidemic. Ducks from the infected farm will be slaughtered. Following a downstream traceability investigation, preventive culling of animals will also be conducted on farms epidemiologically linked to the outbreak detected. Enhanced surveillance will be set up around the farm, with the establishment of a protection zone of 3 km and a 10-kilometer surveillance zone. In 2015, France had exported nearly 5,000 tons of foie gras, the 19,200 tonnes produced in France.Production fell sharply in 2016, due to stop production of four months and less than 14,500 tons of foie gras will be offered on the market in 2016, according to the inter. Over the first six months of 2016, raw foie gras exports were down 27% to 725 tonnes and converted foie gras down 15% to 263 tonnes, say the professionals. http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2016/12/02/2470816-la-grippe-aviaire-detectee-dans-un-elevage-du-tarn.html
  18. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1aNOepBDPUd0zdRnQE1UbSW8djsk&ll=44.08769446875165%2C2.136912068847664&z=12
  19. 219859 Confirmed Europe/France/Tarn National Midi-Pyrenees / Lat.: 43.796425, Long.: 2.128329 01/12/2016 02/12/2016 Influenza - Avian H5N8 HPAI 2000 5000 2000 3000 domestic, duck Geocoords. Quality: Centroid Admin2 http://empres-i.fao.org/eipws3g/
  20. 219624 Confirmed Africa/Egypt/Dumyat, Fish market OIE Damietta / Lat.: 31.458629, Long.: 31.82434 24/11/2016 30/11/2016 Influenza - Avian H5N8 HPAI 6 6 wild,common coot,wild,garganey (anas querquedula), wild, northern Geocoords. Quality: Exact
  21. 219624 Confirmed Africa/Egypt/Dumyat, Fish market OIE Damietta / Lat.: 31.458629, Long.: 31.82434 24/11/2016 30/11/2016 Influenza - Avian H5N8 HPAI 6 6 wild,common coot,wild,garganey (anas querquedula), wild, northern Geocoords. Quality: Exact
  22. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1aNOepBDPUd0zdRnQE1UbSW8djsk&ll=47.603126398341914%2C18.190910687109294&z=8
  23. 219855 Confirmed Europe/Hungary/Lake Tata National Komarom-esztergom / Lat.: 47.64, Long.: 18.32 30/11/2016 30/11/2016 Influenza - Avian H5N8 HPAI 3 3 wild, swan Geocoords. Quality: Unknown http://empres-i.fao.org/eipws3g/
  24. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1qGSwDIT9mRts9KM-a2v5DRfRPnw&ll=26.757546755054435%2C108.74878241528324&z=6
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