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  1. WHO risk assessmentTo date, a total of 9 countries or territories have reported an increased incidence of GBS and/or laboratory confirmation of Zika virus infection among GBS cases. This is the first time that a country with no vector borne transmission of Zika virus detects patients with concomitant GBS and Zika virus infection. These cases provide additional evidence of a possible causal relationship between Zika virus and GBS. Further investigations are needed to understand the implications of pre-existing dengue infections, together with recent Zika infections, in the pathogenesis of GBS. It is likely that countries that are currently reporting autochthonous Zika virus transmission will face a rise in the number of GBS cases in the coming months. However, it is critical to ensure that in all these countries the reported increases in the incidence of GBS are the result of a real change rather than enhanced surveillance. WHO continues to monitor the epidemiological situation and conduct risk assessment based on the latest available information.
  2. Details of the casesThe first case is an elderly male resident of the United States with recent travel to Central America. He developed an acute febrile illness shortly after returning to the U.S. and was subsequently hospitalized in January with progressive ascending weakness of the extremities and diminished reflexes. The patient tested positive for Zika virus infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). He improved following treatment and was ready to be discharged. However, he experienced a sudden subarachnoid haemorrhage due to a ruptured aneurysm and died.The second case is an adult male resident of Haiti who experienced an acute onset of facial weakness, difficulty swallowing, and numbness of fingers in early January. No antecedent illness was reported. A few days later, he travelled to the United States for additional medical care. Cerebrospinal fluid had elevated protein and normal white blood cells. Physical examination showed mild weakness and diminished reflexes. The patient tested positive for Zika virus infection by serology. He improved with intravenous immunoglobulin therapy and was discharged.
  3. Guillain-Barré syndrome – United States of AmericaDisease Outbreak News 21 March 2016 On 10 March 2016, the National IHR Focal Point of the United States of America notified PAHO/WHO of 2 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) with confirmed Zika virus infection. Both cases are under investigation to determine whether they meet the Brighton Collaboration case definition for GBS. http://www.who.int/csr/don/21-march-2016-gbs-usa/en/
  4. First alleged case of microcephaly caused by zika in Franceadmin March 22, 2016 First alleged case of microcephaly caused by zika in France2016-03-22T11: 15: 44 + 00: 00INTERNATIONALThe French authorities said on Tuesday that there was "a very serious suspicion" the first case of microcephaly related to zika virus detected on the French island of Martinique, in Caribe.p> This case microcephaly - decreased cranial perimeter of babies - would be the first in territory francês.p> French Health Minister Marisol Touraine, indicated that 130 pregnant women in the Antilles and Guiana, another French department, were contaminated by zika vírus.p> "For one we have elements that lead us to believe that your baby has microcephaly microcephaly and that this is directly related to their infection zika, "said the minister. http://folhademocratica.com.br/noticias/internacionais/primeiro-suposto-caso-de-microcefalia-causada-por-zika-em-territorio-frances/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  5. Today at 9:17 a.m. - Updated today at 9:18 a.m. Zika virus causes microcephaly in Martinique, informs Minister of France+A- ATo printADVERTISINGHealth Minister of France, Marisol Touraine said on Tuesday (22) to the RMC radio that there is a "strong suspicion" of a case of microcephaly connected to Zika virus on the island of Martinique in Caribbean. It would be the first case of microcephaly in France, an anomaly is suspected to have been caused by Zika, a virus transmitted by mosquito that has spread throughout Latin America. Marisol Touraine said 130 pregnant were Zika virus diagnosed with the West Indies, including Martinique, as well as Guiana French. "For one, we have elements that lead us to believe that the baby developed microcephaly and microcephaly is directly linked to their infection with the Zika virus," said the minister. http://www.jb.com.br/ciencia-e-tecnologia/noticias/2016/03/22/virus-zika-causa-microcefalia-na-martinica-informa-ministra-da-franca/
  6. First suspected case of microcephaly caused by zika in French territoryNext Image for illustrative purposes. Moreinternational The French authorities said Tuesday they had "a very serious suspicion" the first case of microcephaly related Zika virus, detected in the French island of Martinique in the Caribbean. This case of microcephaly - decreased head circumference of babies - would be the first in France. French Health Minister Marisol Touraine said that some 130 pregnant women in the West Indies and Guyana women, another French department, were affected by Zika virus. "For one of them we have elements that we give to think that your baby has microcephaly microcephaly and that this is directly related to their infection with the virus Zika," said the minister. "The virus was transmitted by the mosquito priori" he said. Brazil was one of the first countries to raise the alarm about the zika and so far is the most affected, with 745 confirmed cases of microcephaly. Since the beginning of the epidemic in October 2015, 157 babies died this malformation, according to an official report of 10 March.http://www.diariochaco.com/noticia/primer-supuesto-caso-de-microcefalia-causada-por-el-zika-en-territorio-frances
  7. First alleged case of microcephaly caused by zika in France AFPMarch 22, 2016View images (File) The case would be the first in FranceMoreFrench authorities said on Tuesday that there was "a very serious suspicion" the first case of microcephaly related to zika virus detected on the French island of Martinique in the Caribbean. This case microcephaly would be the first in France. French Health Minister Marisol Touraine, indicated that 130 pregnant women in the Antilles and Guiana, another French department, were contaminated by zika virus. "For one of them have elements that lead us to believe that your baby has microcephaly microcephaly and that this is directly related to their infection zika," said the minister. "The virus was transmitted by the mosquito a priori" he said. Brazil was one of the first countries to give warning about the zika and so far is the most affected, with 745 confirmed cases of microcephaly. Since the epidemic began in October 2015, 157 babies died for this malformation, according to an official toll of 10 March. https://br.noticias.yahoo.com/primeiro-suposto-caso-microcefalia-causada-zika-território-francês-114709583.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  8. Zika virus causes microcephaly in the CaribbeanPublished on 22/03/2016 at 8:23 a.m. | Updated 22/03/2016 at 8:26 a.m. THE THE Agency Brazil Health Minister of France, Marisol Touraine said today RMC radio that there is a "strong suspicion" of a case of microcephaly connected to Zika virus on the island of Martinique in the CaribbeanPhoto: Public Photos Health Minister of France, Marisol Touraine said today RMC radio that there is a "strong suspicion" of a case of microcephaly connected to Zika virus on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean. It would be the first case of microcephaly in France, an anomaly is suspected to have been caused by Zika, a virus transmitted by mosquito that has spread throughout Latin America. Marisol Touraine said 130 pregnant women were diagnosed with the Zika virus in the Caribbean, including Martinique and French Guiana."For one, we have elements that lead us to believe that the baby developed microcephaly and microcephaly is directly linked to their infection with the Zika virus," said the minister.http://noticias.ne10.uol.com.br/saude/noticia/2016/03/22/virus-zika-causa-microcefalia-no-caribe-604215.php
  9. Watch the Zika update liveTuesday, 22 March 2016, at 16:00 CET, 15:00 GMThttp://www.who.int/emergencies/zika-virus/mediacentre/webcast-22-3-2016/en/ The Director-General of WHO, Dr Margaret Chan, will update on the recent work of the Organization on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations. WHO has recently convened expert meetings to identify gaps in knowledge about Zika virus, potentially related complications, effective interventions, and areas of needed research and technologies. The panels have also identified partners and collaborators in the response to Zika virus who are undertaking new initiatives and studies to maximize the impact of public health action. Dr Chan will highlight findings from the meetings and next steps in the fight against Zika.
  10. Zika virus live update Tune in today, 22 March 2016, 16:00 CET WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, will update the public on Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations. WHO expert meetings have identified gaps in knowledge about Zika virus, potentially related complications, effective interventions, and areas of needed research and technologies. Dr Chan will highlight findings and next steps in the fight against Zika.Watch the webcast Zika virus media centreWHO’s media centre for Zika virus disease and potential complications. The Zika virus mediacentre includes the latest news, features, infographics, photos, and videos. A historical timeline of Zika virus is also featured.Visit the Zika media centre Zika virus quizTest your knowledge on Zika virus and complications by taking WHO's quiz. Take the Zika virus quizLike WHOFollow WHOSubscribe to WHOFollow WHOVisit the Website
  11. Zika: first suspected case of microcephaly in MartiniqueKeywords: Zika , microcephaly , brainBy Cecile Thibert AFP - The 22/03/2016Marisol Touraine said this morning that tests are underway to determine if the baby of a pregnant woman in Martinique suffers from microcephaly following infection Zika virus. While 130 pregnant women have currently been identified as infected with Zika West Indies and French Guiana since the beginning of the current epidemic, the Health Minister Marisol Touraine said Tuesday on RMC that for a of them, the evidence suggests that her baby is diagnosed with a directly linked to microcephaly Zika virus. "I do not want to say definitively because we are awaiting the results of final exams, but all the evidence we have going in that direction today," cautiously added the minister, who also said that "the virus was transmitted by the mosquito a priori." If the results are positive, this case of microcephaly would be the first in France to the current outbreak. This defect, which is characterized by abnormally small size of the cranium of the fetus, causes mental retardation more or less profound, irreversible disorders of varying intensity development or even death depending on the seriousness of the infringement, according to a document circulated by the French health authorities. "All you have asked to know about Zika The existence of a link between Zika and microcephaly fetus has been established scientifically for the first time in a study published March 4 in the journal Cell Stem Cell . Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, STATES) and Florida State University have shown that the virus selectively infects the stem cells that form the cerebral cortex, preventing them from dividing normally to form new cells, resulting in their destruction . Furthermore, another study published last week in the medical journal The Lancet and conducted by Simon Cauchemez, mathematical modeling of infectious diseases researcher at the Pasteur Institute (Paris), for the first time quantified the risk in case of microcephaly infection Zika. Based on data from the previous outbreak of Zika, held in French Polynesia in 2013 and 2014, scientists estimated at a hundred the risk to a mother infected with the virus during the first trimester of pregnancy to have a baby with microcephaly. Normally, this risk is only 0.02%. It is thus multiplied by 50 outbreak. Zika virus is transmitted between people through an Aedes mosquito, including Aedes aegypti andAedes albopictus (tiger mosquito). Sexual transmission is possible, although it is rare. For now, the virus has already affected more than 15,000 people in the Caribbean and Guyana, according to Marisol Touraine. In most cases, the symptoms caused by the virus are mild and transient (proud, headache, body aches). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated at the beginning of February that a possible link between Zika and explosion cases of microcephaly was "a public health emergency of international concern". In Brazil, the country most affected, 745 infants are suffering from microcephaly -or five times more than the average annually and 157 babies died because of this malformation since the beginning of the epidemic in October 2015, according to a report Official 10 March. http://sante.lefigaro.fr/actualite/2016/03/22/24764-zika-premier-cas-suspect-microcephalie-martinique
  12. Zika: a first probable case of microcephaly in MartiniqueUPDATED: 22-03-2016 12:10-CREATED: 22-03-2016 11:18VIRUS - If the suspicions are confirmed, a first French case linked to microcephaly Zika should be announced. A pregnant woman would have transmitted the virus to her child in Martinique. 1 0 Further testing is underway to confirm the first case of baby with microcephaly because of Zika virus in France. Antonio Lacerda / SIPA / Illustration Photo: Zika virus continues to hit. And this time it is France that is affected. Many people have had to face in the departments overseas to the epidemic. And even if pregnant women were particularly monitored, zero risk does not exist. Marisol Touraine has announced that Tuesday morning at RMC our colleagues that in Martinique , a baby suffering from microcephaly probably linked to the virus: one on French territory. About 130 pregnant women in the West Indies and Guyana have already been infected by the Zika virus, according to the minister. "The evidence we have today in this direction" "For one of them, we have evidence suggesting that the baby suffers from microcephaly microcephaly and this is directly related to his infection Zika virus," said Marisol Touraine, adding that this case concerned the Martinique. READ MORE >> An infant dies of microcephaly in Panama "I will not say definitively because we are awaiting the results of the final exams but all the evidence we have going in that direction today," she said. The minister recalled that the virus had already affected more than 15,000 people in the Caribbean and Guyana. If you live in areas where raging tiger mosquito and you're pregnant you should very quickly get closer to your doctor if this is not already done. Be sure to use mosquito repellents and wearing protective clothing. Breeding sites (stagnant water points) near your home must be destroyed systematically. ALSO READ >> 5 things you need to know about the virus zika >> Virus Zika: global public health emergency >>Virus Zika: a study confirms the link with microcephaly http://www.metronews.fr/info/zika-premier-cas-probable-de-microcephalie-en-martinique/mpcv!2zlhHrM4cF9i2/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  13. Marisol Touraine "very serious Suspicion of a case of microcephaly linked to Zika in Martinique" Updated 22/03/2016 at 8:590 Asked Jean-Jacques Bourdin Tuesday on RMC, Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health, said there was "a very serious suspicion" about a first case of microcephaly linked to Zika France, Martinique specifically .The Health Minister Marisol Touraine said Tuesday on RMC that there was "a very serious suspicion" of a case of microcephaly linked to Zika in Martinique, which would be the first case in France to the current epidemic. "I remind you that the Zika virus, which affected 15,000 people in the Antilles and Guiana, a hazard mainly to pregnant women. In these departments, nearly 130 pregnant women were identified as having been affected by the Zika virus. for one of them, in Martinique, we have evidence suggesting that the baby suffers from microcephaly microcephaly and this is directly related to his infection Zika virus. " "I will not say definitively because we are awaiting the results of the final exams but all the evidence we have in this direction," she says. Microcephaly is an abnormal growth of the skull with a diameter of the head lower than normal. "We have seen cases of microcephaly very repeatedly in Polynesia and Brazil and so we have now, it seems, a case in Martinique," adds Marisol Touraine. "The virus has been transmitted, a priori, by the mosquito, namely in the most conventional way it is, says the Minister of Health. It is against the mosquito that we must first protect themselves even if other means of contamination is likely. " Remember, in Brazil, the most affected by Zika country, 745 infants are suffering from microcephaly and 157 babies died because of this malformation since the beginning of the epidemic in October 2015, according to an official report to 10 March. http://rmc.bfmtv.com/emission/marisol-touraine-suspicion-tres-serieuse-d-un-cas-de-microcephalie-lie-a-zika-en-martinique-961022.html?utm_content=buffer482c1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  14. microcephaly strong suspicion related to Zika in Martinique Writing Allodocteurs.frfrancetv infoMarch 22, 2016 See the pictures microcephaly strong suspicion related to Zika in MartiniqueMoreAbout 130 pregnant women in the West Indies and Guyana have already been identified as affected by Zika virus, according to the minister. "For one of them, we have evidence suggesting that the baby has microcephaly and that microcephaly is directly related to his infection Zika virus, "said Ms. Touraine, adding that this case involved Martinique. "I will not say definitively because we are awaiting the results of the final exams but all the evidence we have going in that direction now ," she said, adding that "the virus [a priori had been transmitted a priori by the mosquito . " The minister recalled that the virus had already affected more than 15,000 people in the Caribbean and Guyana . In Brazil, the most affected by Zika country, 745 infants are suffering from microcephaly and 157 babies died because of this malformation since the beginning of the epidemic in October 2015, according to an official report to 10 March. Find this article on francetv infomicrocephaly: when the brain is too small virus Zika: infections are increasing in Martinique and French Guiana Zika all ultrasounds redeemed at 100% in Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana"country Doctor" will try to fight against the medical deserts the soon generalized neutral package https://fr.news.yahoo.com/forte-suspicion-microcéphalie-liée-à-zika-martinique-093709229.html
  15. A first case of microcephaly linked to Zika virus in FranceParis Match |Published on 03/22/2016 at 12:05The French Health Minister Marisol Touraine.REUTERS / Gonzalo FuentesAfter Brazil and Colombia, the first case of microcephaly linked to Zika virus could have been observed in France, on the island of Martinique, said Tuesday the Health Minister Marisol Touraine. "We have a very serious suspicion" said Tuesday the Health Minister Marisol Touraine on RMC radio. About 130 pregnant women in the West Indies and Guyana were identified as affected by Zika virus since the beginning of the current epidemic, according to the minister. "For one of them, she said, we have evidence suggesting that the baby suffers from microcephaly microcephaly and this is directly related to his infection Zika virus." "I do not want to have to say definitively because we awaiting the results of the final exams but all the evidence we have going in that direction today," she added. "The virus has been transmitted a priori by the mosquito," she said. Transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, Zika virus usually causes mild flu-like symptoms (fever, headache, body aches). But it can also be the cause of microcephaly in pregnant women or neurological disorders such as Guillain-Barre syndrome , likely to cause paralysis of the limbs and respiratory impairment. Microcephaly is a malformation characterized by the small size of the skull of the fetus. It can cause disability or death. 1% risk that a virus infected mother has a baby with microcephalyIn Brazil, the most affected by Zika country , 745 infants are suffering from microcephaly - five times more than the annual average - and 157 babies died because of this malformation since the beginning of the epidemic in October 2015, according to a report Official to 10 March. A first case of microcephaly related Zika was also observed in Colombia, the second most affected by the virus, according to the British scientific journal Nature that reported in early March a case of microcephaly in a newborn tested positive for the presence virus. The existence of a link between Zika and microcephaly fetus has been established scientifically for the first time earlier this month in a study published in the journal Cell Stem Cell. Laboratory researchers have shown that the virus selectively infects the stem cells that form the cerebral cortex, preventing them from dividing normally to form new cells, resulting in their destruction. Based on data from previous Zika epidemic that hit French Polynesia in 2013-2014, researchers from the Institut Pasteur for their part, quantified at 1% risk to a mother infected with the virus in the first trimester of having a baby with microcephaly. According to their calculations, "1% of fetuses or newborns whose mothers were infected during the first trimester of pregnancy suffer from microcephaly, while the risk was only 0.02% in normal times, a risk multiplied by 50 ". Ms Touraine said that the virus had affected more than 15,000 people in the Caribbean and French Guiana since the beginning of the epidemic last year. For affected 130 pregnant women, the Minister announced on March 1 that they would benefit from monthly scans supported 100% by Social Security. No further information could be obtained on this carrier pregnant woman with a baby with microcephaly in Martinique, especially regarding the progress of her pregnancy. In early February, the Organization had estimated that a possible link between Zika and explosion cases of microcephaly was "a public health emergency of international concern". http://www.parismatch.com/Actu/Sante/Un-premier-cas-de-microcephalie-lie-au-virus-Zika-en-France-934325?xtor=CS2-14
  16. Panama finds first case of microcephaly tied to ZikaPublished March 21, 2016 Associated PressFacebook0 Twitter7 livefyre Email Print Jan. 18, 2016: In this photo, a researcher holds a container with female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes at the Biomedical Sciences Institute in the Sao Paulo's University in Sau Paulo, Brazil. (AP) Doctors in Panama have identified a baby born with a rare brain disorder thought to be linked to Zika, the first such case outside Brazil. The Gorgas Memorial Institute said they found traces of the virus in the baby's umbilical cord. The baby was born Thursday with a shrunken head, a condition known as microcephaly, and another cranial deformation called encephalocele. It died four hours later. More on this...Over 100 Zika cases confirmed in US, CDC saysWHO backs trials of bacteria, genetic modification to fight Zika mosquitoesWhat to know about the tropical Zika virus in Latin AmericaLike the vast majority of people infected with Zika, the child's mother never reported symptoms during pregnancy. A spike in microcephaly in Brazil has led doctors to investigate links between the birth defects and Zika. But despite the mosquito-borne virus' fast spread throughout Latin America until now there have been no cases outside Brazil of infants born with microcephaly who've tested positive for Zika. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/03/21/panama-finds-first-case-microcephaly-tied-to-zika.html
  17. Monday, March 21, 2016 12:20Panamanian Health Minister denies that baby with microcephaly died for zikaBy: EFESource Print E-mail Rate this item 12345(0 votes) Minister of Health of Panama, Francisco Terrientes.Photo: EFE. The newborn who died last week in Panama week had "multiple malformations," including microcephaly, and his death "was not by zika" although authorities detected the virus in the umbilical cord, he said today the Panamanian Health Minister Francisco Terrientes. "We knew that (the baby) came with multiple malformations incompatible with life (...) was not a death zika" said the minister in an interview with local television, in which he said that the confirmed cases of the disease in the country they are recorded at 149 today. Terrientes reiterated that after the death of baby exams rigor, including the zika were made, and the virus was found in the umbilical cord, as already reported last Friday in a press conference the director of Health, Itza Barahona Mosca. The minister also said that the mother of the victim was never diagnosed with the virus, which could suffer asymptomatically as with 80% of cases. According to official information, the baby was born prematurely at 31 weeks gestation, last Thursday, and barely survived four hours. http://elvenezolano.com.pa/index.php/actualidad/panama/item/16196-ministro-panameno-de-salud-niega-que-bebe-con-microcefalia-haya-muerto-por-zika
  18. They deny that baby has died microcephaly zika in PanamaSource: EFE 03/21/2016 24:41 referential5Panamanian Health Minister Javier Terrientes said e l newborn who died in Panama last week by multiple malformations was not the Zika virus. Despite that, the authorities detected the virus in the umbilical cord " his death was not zika, s abíamos that (baby) came with multiple malformations incompatible with life (...) was not a death virus " , Terrientes said Monday. Moreover, he told local media that so far the confirmed cases in the country are recorded in 149. The owner also said the mother of the victim was never diagnosed with the virus, which could suffer asymptomatically as with 80 percent of cases. According to official information, the baby was born prematurely at 31 weeks gestation, last Thursday and barely survived four hours. http://globovision.com/article/niegan-que-bebe-nbsp;con-microcefalia-haya-muerto-por-zika-en-panama
  19. S. Korea reports first Zika virus-infected patient2016/03/22 09:33 TweetFacebook ShareGoogle +1ReduceEnlargePrintSEJONG, March 22 (Yonhap) -- South Korea has confirmed the first case of a patient here being infected with the South America-originated Zika virus, the health authorities said Tuesday, sparking fears that the brain-damaging virus will penetrate the country. A 43-year-old man tested positive for the mosquito-borne virus after traveling to Brazil between mid-February and early March, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The World Health Organization has declared the Zika virus outbreak a global emergency. Zika was first discovered in Africa, and has spread to parts of Asia and Latin America, including many Caribbean countries. In Asia, China and Japan have reported a few confirmed cases. [email protected]
  20. A 43-year-old man tested positive for the mosquito-borne virus after traveling to Brazil between mid-February and early March, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/business/2016/03/22/8/0503000000AEN20160322001651320F.html
  21. StateCDCStates StatesStatesStatesStatesCDCStatesStatesStates 9-Mar10-Mar11-Mar14-Mar15-Mar16-Mar16-Mar17-Mar18-Mar21-MarAL1123331333AR1111111111CA13141616161613161717CT0000000011CO2222222222DE1111111113DC3333333333FL49585960626259666771GA5777777777HI5666665667IL7777777779IN3333334444IA3344444444KS0011111111KY0111111112LA2222222222MD4444445555MA3333333333ME0111110111MI2333332333MN6666667777MO1111111111MT1111111111NE2222222222NH1111222222NJ2222222222NM0000000011NY25404040404942494949NC5566666666OH6678888888OK2333333333OR599910106101010PA6668888888TN1111111111TX19262626262634343435UT0111110111VA6666667777WA1333332333WV0111115555 193240248253257266258286290301https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU
  22. Microcephaly developmentsScientists in Panama reported the country's first potentially Zika-linked microcephaly case, according to a report yesterday from Telesur, a television network based in Venezuela. The country's Gorgas Memorial Institute said the child died 4 hours after birth and had an underdeveloped brain and an abnormally small head. They said Zika virus was detected in the baby's umbilical cord. So far the only countries that have reported Zika-linked microcephaly cases are Brazil, which has been the outbreak's epicenter, and French Polynesia, which had an outbreak in 2013 and 2014. Meanwhile, the WHO announced that it will be part of a joint mission to Cabo Verde to manage a Zika virus outbreak there and investigate a case of suspected microcephaly, based on a request from the country's health ministry. In a Mar 18 statement, the WHO said Cabo Verde's outbreak is declining, but it reported its first microcephaly case on Mar 15. The team also includes experts from the WHO's African regional office and the Pasteur Institute in Dakar. Of 7,490 suspected Zika cases so far, 165 are in pregnant women, including 44 who have delivered their babies with no complications or abnormalities. Some of the country's islands have had no Zika virus, and on some, no cases have been reported since the middle of February. http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2016/03/experts-probe-zika-mosquito-control-more-microcephaly
  23. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU
  24. The Illinois Department of Public Health is reporting 9 cases of Zika virus disease statewide. http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/diseases-and-conditions/zika
  25. The Illinois Department of Public Health is reporting 9 cases of Zika virus disease statewide.**Please note that all numbers are provisional and may be subject to change**
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