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Everything posted by niman

  1. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/France/IDF0372/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406596 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-23 Location: France / Ile-de-France / Paris Host: Human Additional location information:
  2. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/France/IDF0373/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406597 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-23 Location: France / Ile-de-France / Paris Host: Human Additional location information:
  3. Pasteur Institute has deposited full sequences from patients in Paris. The two sequences do not match the Shenzhen cluster,but do match each other - 32M matches 31F
  4. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/Guangdong/20SF174/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406531 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-22 Location: Guangdong Province Host: Human Additional location information: Zhuhai City
  5. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/Guangzhou/20SF206/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406533 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-22 Location: Guangzhou City Host: Human Additional location information:
  6. s detail Virus name: BetaCoV/Foshan/20SF207/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406534 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-22 Location: Guangdong Province Host: Human Additional location information: Foshan
  7. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/Foshan/20SF210/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406535 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-22 Location: Guangdong Province Host: Human Additional location information: Foshan City
  8. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/Foshan/20SF211/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406536 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-22 Location: Guangdong Province Host: Human Additional location information: Foshan City
  9. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/Guangdong/20SF201/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_406538 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-23 Location: Guangdong Province Host: Human
  10. Guangdong CDC has submitted 8 full sequences at GISAID from Guangdong Province, including 3 from Foshan. None of these sequences are in the lineage found in Shenzhen and 4 US States (WA,IL, CA, AZ)
  11. Finland's first case of coronavirus has been confirmed - THL holds press conference at 18, we broadcast and report live SHARE:13 Watch the live broadcast Available after shipment The corona virus arrived in Finland - see THL's press conference directly at 18 HISTORY OF MANNILA ERIK STÅHL The Chinese tourist quarantined in Lapland Central Hospital is confirmed to have been infected by the corona virus. This is stated by the Institute for Health and Welfare THL. The traveler has been infected with the new corona virus, which spread from Wuhan in China. The person has been quarantined at the hospital and they come from Wuhan. The case is the first in Finland. HERE'S HOW TO AVOID THE INFECTION: - It was expected that the virus would come via tourists to Finland. The risk of the virus spreading in Finland is still very small, so there is no cause for concern, says THL's director Mika Salminen THL. Skip Twitter posting 39 people are talking about this Lapland's medical district and local health authorities continue to take care of the situation together with THL. There are 15 people who may have been infected in Finland. The medical district is monitoring the health status of those people who may have been infected for 14 days. - In Finland, we have good preparedness for any cases. The health care and laboratories have ready-made models for how to act. The hospitals have a readiness to investigate and manage coronavirus infections under exceptional circumstances. We are reporting live here from THL's press conference from 18 o'clock kl. 18:19: Markku Broas, infection consultant at Lapland Central Hospital: the infected person has moved in the Saariselkä area. She got symptoms on Sunday, and has had symptoms for about three days. kl. 18:16: Surgeon Puumalainen: respiratory illnesses can be infected already during the period before the disease broke out, but that period is very short. The new corona virus does not infect very easily either. kl. 18:13: Chief physician Puumalainen recalls that THL has detailed instructions and recommendations regarding the prevention of dissemination on its websites. Puumalainen also recommends following the Ministry of Foreign Affairs travel announcements. kl. 18:12: Finns can protect themselves by being careful about hand hygiene and breathing hygiene, otherwise you can continue to live normally, says Salminen. kl. 18:11: THL's Mika Salminen also emphasizes that the cases outside China have not led to any major spread of infection cases. In China too, the spread has been moderate, given the population. kl. 18:09: Taneli Puumalainen, head of the Infectious Diseases and Vaccine Unit at THL: The case in Lapland is regrettable, but probably expected. Cases have already been detected in France and Germany. A good news here is that there have been very few cases of infection in other stages. This shows that healthcare in the EU area has succeeded in isolating the cases discovered. kl. 18:06: Now information about the case will be collected and shared with national authorities and the World Health Organization WHO, says Salminen. kl. 18:05: THL director Mika Salminen: it is not surprising that the virus has reached Finland. In recent days, cases have also been detected in, among others, Germany. kl. 18:04: The press conference has begun. kl. 17:53: The press conference will start shortly, we will keep updating here. This article will be updated.
  12. Wed 29-01-2020 13:57 PM Chinese family of 4 infected with new coronavirus in UAE A-AA+ ABU DHABI, 29th January, 2020 (WAM) -- A four-member Chinese family infected with new coronavirus is the first confirmed case in the UAE, the Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, revealed today. The statement clarified that "all family members are in stable condition and the situation was contained by following the most necessary precautionary measures adopted globally when dealing with infected cases." The Ministry assured the public about the general health situation, emphasising that "it is not a cause for concern." It added, "We advise all citizens and residents to adhere to the general health guidelines." MoHAP confirmed that, in coordination with health and all concerned authorities in the country, it has taken "all the necessary precautions in accordance with the scientific recommendations, conditions and standards approved by the World Health Organisation." WAM/Esraa Ismail/Rasha Abubaker https://www.wam.ae/en/details/1395302819592
  13. A family of four (UAE ex-China) has been 2019-nCoV confirmed.
  14. Family of four confirmed nCoV cases cited in UAE. This thread will cover UAE cases.
  15. Jan 28 Jump in PCR cases to 15,213 Onward transmission in Germany Mutation in Shenzhen and WA, IL, CA, AZ Bioweapon Hoax http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012820_hr3.mp3
  16. FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German car parts supplier Webasto [WEBA.UL] on Tuesday said a second employee had become infected with the coronavirus following the visit of another employee, from China, to the company’s headquarters in Stockdorf, Bavaria. “The auto supplier Webasto confirms that the person infected with the Coronavirus is from Starnberg and an employee at the company headquarters in Stockdorf,” Webasto said. Webasto on Monday had said a Chinese employee from Shanghai had tested positive for the virus upon his return to China following his visit to the company headquarters. The company, which has 11 locations in China, including in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus, has banned travel to and from China for the next fortnight. Reporting by Jörn Poltz, Writing by Edward Taylor; Editing by Riham Alkousaa Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-webasto/german-auto-supplier-webasto-says-two-employees-infected-with-coronavirus-idUSKBN1ZR0WY
  17. Jan 27 Cases explode Exports Travel Alert Level 3 for all of China CFR Likelihood of preventing pandemic http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012720_hr3.mp3
  18. Update on pneumonia of new coronavirus infection as of 24:00 on January 28 2020-01-29 At 04:00 on January 28th, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) reported 1459 new confirmed cases, 263 new severe cases, and 26 new deaths (25 in Hubei and 1 in Henan). 43 new cases were cured and discharged, and 3248 suspected cases were added (including 1 in Tibet).   As of 24:00 on January 28, the National Health and Health Commission had received a total of 5,974 confirmed cases in 31 provinces ( autonomous regions, municipalities) , 1,239 cases of severe cases, 132 deaths, and 103 cases cured and discharged. There are 9239 suspected cases.   At present, 65,537 close contacts have been tracked, 1,604 medical observations were cancelled on the same day, and 59,990 people are currently undergoing medical observations.   Accumulated confirmed cases were received from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: 8 cases from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 7 cases from Macao Special Administrative Region, and 8 cases from Taiwan. Source: National Health and Health Commission website http://www.chinacdc.cn/jkzt/crb/zl/szkb_11803/jszl_11809/202001/t20200129_211508.html
  19. 1,239 cases of severe cases, 132 deaths, and 103 cases cured and discharged. http://www.chinacdc.cn/jkzt/crb/zl/szkb_11803/jszl_11809/202001/t20200129_211508.html
  20. A rather unexpected finding from the lung CT scan of patient 5, which was done on the insistence by the nervous parents, also showed ground-glass pneumonic changes. Patient 5 was later confirmed virologically to have an asymptomatic infection. Although asymptomatic patients with SARS were uncommon, they were documented in our retrospective study in the minor 2004 SARS outbreak after reopening of the wildlife market in Guangzhou. 17 Notably, patients 3 and 4 were afebrile at presentation to our hospital. These cryptic cases of walking pneumonia might serve as a possible source to propagate the outbreak. Further studies on the epidemiological significance of these asymptomatic cases are warranted. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30154-9/fulltext
  21. Pneumonia situation of new coronavirus infection in Guangdong Province at 12:00 on January 28, 2020 Time: 2020-01-28 18:22:51 source: this website   As of 12:00 on January 28, the province has reported a total of 207 confirmed cases of pneumonia due to new coronavirus infection. At 02:00 on the 28th, there were 19 new confirmed cases in the province, of which 1 case was reported for the first time in Heyuan City, 8 cases were in Shenzhen, 5 cases were in Dongguan, 2 cases were in Zhanjiang, 1 case was in Yangjiang, and 1 was in Meizhou Case, 1 case in Qingyuan City. 1,027 close contacts are under medical observation.   Among the 207 cases diagnosed in our province, 102 were male and 105 were female, aged between 11 months and 85 years. There were 57 cases in Shenzhen, 51 cases in Guangzhou, 18 cases in Foshan, 12 cases in Zhuhai, 11 cases in Huizhou, 9 cases in Yangjiang, 7 cases in Zhanjiang, 7 cases in Dongguan, 6 cases in Zhongshan, 6 cases in Qingyuan, There were 5 cases in Shantou, 4 in Zhaoqing, 4 in Shaoguan, 4 in Jieyang, 4 in Meizhou, 1 in Shanwei, and 1 in Heyuan. At present, there are 6 critical cases, 20 severe cases, and no deaths. http://wsjkw.gd.gov.cn/zwyw_yqxx/content/post_2879855.html
  22. Press release 01/28/2020 No. 12 / GP Three more coronavirus cases in Bavaria - connection with the first case - Bavaria's Minister of Health Huml: around 40 people should be tested on Wednesday as a precaution The Bavarian Ministry of Health was informed on Tuesday evening that three other people in Bavaria had been infected with the novel corona virus. These patients are also employees of the company from the district of Starnberg, where the first person affected is already employed. This man had apparently contracted a Chinese colleague during a training session on January 21. This colleague flew back to China on January 23. On January 27, the company informed the health department of the Chinese woman's illness. It was decided that the three new patients should also be admitted to the Munich Clinic Schwabing, where they would be medically monitored and isolated. A few other contact persons are currently testing whether they are infected with the corona virus. The Bavarian Ministry of Health and the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) will report on details in a press release on Wednesday. Bavaria's Minister of Health Melanie Huml emphasized on Tuesday evening in Munich: "A total of around 40 employees of the company were identified who could be considered as close contacts. Those affected should be tested on Wednesday as a precautionary measure. They will also be examined by the LGL's 'Task Force Infectiology' questioned in detail. " https://www.stmgp.bayern.de/presse/drei-weitere-coronavirus-faelle-in-bayern-zusammenhang-mit-dem-ersten-fall-bayerns/
  23. Epidemic situation of new coronavirus infection in Hubei Province on January 28, 2020 At 00: 00-24: 00 on January 28, 2020 , 840 new cases of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection were added in Hubei Province (315 in Wuhan, 33 in Huangshi, 23 in Shiyan, and new in Xiangyang). 61 new cases, 12 new cases in Yichang, 30 new cases in Jingzhou, 28 new cases in Jingmen, 27 new cases in Ezhou, 101 new cases in Xiaogan City, 111 new cases in Huanggang City, 21 new cases in Xianning City (46 cases in Suizhou City, 13 cases in Enshi Prefecture, 5 cases in Xiantao City, 11 cases in Tianmen City, 1 case in Qianjiang City, and 2 cases in Shennongjia Forest District). There were 25 new deaths in the province, including 19 in Wuhan, 2 in Xiaogan, and 1 in Jingmen, Ezhou, Huanggang, and Tianmen. As of 24:00 on January 28, 2020, Hubei Province has cumulatively reported 3554 cases of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection (including 1905 cases in Wuhan City, 86 cases in Huangshi City, 88 cases in Shiyan City, 131 cases in Xiangyang City, 63 cases in Yichang City, 101 cases in Jingzhou City, 142 cases in Jingmen City, 84 cases in Ezhou City, 274 cases in Xiaogan City, 324 cases in Huanggang City, 112 cases in Xianning City, 116 cases in Suizhou City, 51 cases in Enshi Prefecture, 32 cases in Xiantao City, 34 cases in Tianmen City, There were 8 cases in Qianjiang and 3 cases in Shennongjia Forest District. 80 cases were cured and 125 died (including 104 cases in Wuhan, 1 in Huangshi City, 1 in Yichang City, 2 in Jingzhou City, 4 in Jingmen City, and Ezhou City). 1 case, 3 in Xiaogan, 5 in Huanggang City, 3 in Tianmen, and 1 in Qianjiang). At present, 3349 patients are still being treated in the hospital, of which 671 are critically ill and 228 are critically ill, and they are all receiving isolation treatment at designated medical institutions. A total of 22,095 close contacts have been tracked, and 20,366 people are still under medical observation. 1 On May 27, the province's fever outpatient admissions 31,639 people, and observing 3644 people. 10702 people in Wuhan, 600 people watching; 1186 people in Huangshi city, 90 people watching; 2136 people in Shiyan city, 300 people watching; 2065 people in Xiangyang city, 209 people watching; 1086 people in Yichang city, 127 people watching; Jingzhou 1817 people in Beijing, 231 people watching; 935 people in Jingmen City, 116 people watching; 609 people in Ezhou City, 229 people watching; 2812 people in Xiaogan City, 535 people watching; 2416 people in Huanggang City, 303 people watching; Xianning 1263 people in the city, 92 people watched; 488 people in Suizhou City, 214 people watched; 1849 people in Enshi City, 146 people watched; 1,052 people in Xiantao City, 244 people watched; 658 people in Tianmen City, 143 people watched; potential There are 543 people in Jiangshi and 65 people watching; there are 22 people in Shennongjia Forest District. http://wjw.hubei.gov.cn/fbjd/dtyw/202001/t20200129_2015921.shtml
  24. Hubei nCoV Cases Increase To 3554 - Deaths To 125, 80 Discharged
  25. Virus detail Virus name: BetaCoV/Guangdong/20SF025/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_403935 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-01-15 Location: Guangdong, China Host: Human Additional location information: Shenzhen City
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